July 4th "We Are The Chosen Few"


May 16, 2002
I wonder if all who are flying "Old Glory" today really understand what she is all about. She stands for freedom and she does'nt care what color you are nor what you believe in. <br /> The code for Old Glory was made with the blood of Millions of vets who gave their lives so that the Politicians and Judges can make a name for themselves at "Old Glorys" expense.<br /> These are the same type of people who greeted us when we came home in the 60's who were burning our Flag,Spitting on us and calling us Baby Killers.<br /> I'm sure alot of you have had relatives or friends who gave their lives to keep her flying. I wonder how many members are either Vets or those who have served. "We Are The Chosen Few".<br /> She should be left alone for what she stands for. Its one of the few precious symbols left to us.<br /> So today when we are celebrating the 4th take a moment and say thanks to those who cannot be with us today because of the sacrifice thay made for us yesterday.<br /><br /> God Bless America <br /> Proud to have Served<br /> US Medical corp.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: July 4th "We Are The Chosen Few"

thanks for the fine post... well done..thanks..