Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

or infringe on due process ;)


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

what's wrong with these judge's ?
would someone please define illegal, to them......*hammer
and if you are not a legal citizen what has our constitution have to do with THEM..........



Jul 5, 2001
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

sounds like laws we need in place nation wide


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

xtraham said:
what's wrong with these judge's ?
would someone please define illegal, to them......*hammer
and if you are not a legal citizen what has our constitution have to do with THEM..........


I am afraid the liberal side of the demo party sense's a win in the upcoming elections and there off to the races. They have succesfully blurred out why they were taken out of office the first time, if there put back in this is just a start of thing's to come........:'(


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

We have the laws nationwide already. It is illegal to hire illegal aliens.

It is not a landlord's responsibility to enforce the laws of this country that don't specifically apply to them. It is law enforcement's and the justice department's.

A town should not be able to abrogate the responsibility of the government thru some sort of politically inspired ordinance.

It's the town trying to appoint a vigilante squad, and that is not, nor should it be, what living in America is supposed to be about.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Hmmmmm. Seems to me that:

Whether illegals cause all those crimes is irrelevant. BEING and illegal invader is a crime.

Knowingly aiding and abetting a crime is a crime. Landlords and employers might be aiding and abetting.

Closing a business for a crime of aiding and abetting is excessive because it penalizes legal employees and clients/customers, not merely the employers. This clause alone should get the law tossed.

There may be grounds to sue an employer for lost employment by legal applicants if the employer knowingly employs an illegal invader instead, but I doubt that there are grounds if the business is closed by law.

I believe that our Constitution specifically designates lawmaking power not specifically reserved to the Federal Government to the states, and the states to local entities. I like the idea of municipalities making local laws to enhance the intent of Federal law and to place enforcement in the hands of local authorities where federal enforcement is impotent or nonexistent.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

I would like to know the benefits of being a US citizen.

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

POINTER94 said:
I would like to know the benefits of being a US citizen.

There are definately benefits for US citizens but,........There are more benefits for foreigners (illegal or other) living in the us. :'(



Jan 13, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Reel said:
POINTER94 said:
I would like to know the benefits of being a US citizen.

There are definately benefits for US citizens but,........There are more benefits for foreigners (illegal or other) living in the us. :'(

Being a US citizen we get to follow american law and being politically correct, stepping outside of those guidelines we pay a price. Now being a illegal you are politically correct and your not subject to american law yet you can and will be protected under our constituion..........christ someone's been watching Star Trek waayyyyy to much were not the federation........:}


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

I am not clear what you are saying, JB.

Are you suggesting a landlord can be required by local municipalities to investigate to determine whether or not a person is in this country legally, and face criminal penalties if they don't?

I'm sure there are still laws on the books in some areas banning a gay lifestyle, for example. You want landlords to not rent to singles or gays or they might be aiding a criminal enterprise?

Where does it stop? If it is a federal crime to not hire illegals, let's demand that the feds enforce the law. Let's not leave it up to municipalities to pick and choose which laws they deem important for whatever reason.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Howdy, PW2 :)

Number one: Yes, I think they can. Employers are. Either is aiding in a criminal enterprise.

Number two: I know of no laws banning a "lifestyle", whatever the heck that means. There are still some unenforced laws banning specific behaviors I will not detail here, but they ran into a lot of trouble because they ban practices common among hetero couples, too, and those practices are done in private. No laws, past or present, forbid domicile sharing by persons of the same gender. Hence, same gender couples are not breaking any laws by BEING there, and are not criminals. Illegals are breaking the law by BEING there and are therefore criminals. Anything that assists them in BEING there is aiding in an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Number three: The Constitution leaves it to municipalities to "pick and choose" what laws they will have and enforce, so long as they do not violate the Constitution. I'll go with the Constitution on this one.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

PW2 said:
I am not clear what you are saying, JB.

Are you suggesting a landlord can be required by local municipalities to investigate to determine whether or not a person is in this country legally, and face criminal penalties if they don't?

They sure don't seem to have a problem checking your credit history, photocopying your driver's license, checking with past landlords, getting your nearest relative's address and phone #, copies of your tax returns and proof of employment.

They already know if your legal or not.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Alden, well put & I agree.....
You left out the cavity search!:p......JK


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Howdy, JB

Clearly employers should be required to follow the law, as the law specifically applies to them. There is a difficulty in practice, of course, in determining who is or isn't "legal", of course, as phony id cards and SS #'s can be had on the street for not too many $ (or so I've been told, at least) I think it sort of ridiculous to put landlords in the same impossible situation.

Let's get tamper proof id cards and an overall immigration plan, (or whatever) and not rely on some politically popular unenforceable measure

Number two Ok, I used the term "lifestyles" as sort of a euphenistic description. Whether or not heteros engage in such behavior, clearly gays would be assumed to, and renting to them would be aiding a criminal enterprise.

Number 3- I have a real problem with local laws that attempt to solve political issues, and specifically wedge political issues, with ordinary citizens targeted as the enforcers (especially if they aren't provided the tools to do the job.) I don't think the framers of the constitution had that in mind.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

but section 8 is guaranteed to be there every month


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

PW2 said:
Howdy, JB

Clearly employers should be required to follow the law, as the law specifically applies to them. There is a difficulty in practice, of course, in determining who is or isn't "legal", of course, as phony id cards and SS #'s can be had on the street for not too many $ (or so I've been told, at least) I think it sort of ridiculous to put landlords in the same impossible situation.

Let's get tamper proof id cards and an overall immigration plan, (or whatever) and not rely on some politically popular unenforceable measure

Number two Ok, I used the term "lifestyles" as sort of a euphenistic description. Whether or not heteros engage in such behavior, clearly gays would be assumed to, and renting to them would be aiding a criminal enterprise.

Number 3- I have a real problem with local laws that attempt to solve political issues, and specifically wedge political issues, with ordinary citizens targeted as the enforcers (especially if they aren't provided the tools to do the job.) I don't think the framers of the constitution had that in mind.

Pw, a bit of research would have turned up this page...

A second ordinance going into effect Wednesday requires tenants to register their name, address and phone number at City Hall and pay $10 for a rental permit. Landlords who fail to make sure their tenants are registered can be fined $1,000, plus a penalty of $250 per tenant per day. The goal is to discourage illegal immigrants from even trying to rent in Hazleton.

As you can see, the onus of who is a legal tenant falls on the city. As long as the landlord has a copy of the tenants rental permit he/she is home free.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

Hello again, PW2. :)

I don't consider the legality of residency a political or social issue. I see it as a legal issue only, but agree that it has political and social impact.

When there have been attempts to enforce the archaic laws about behavior in private they have been thrown out for the reasons I mentioned above. The only ones still on any books have not been to court to face challenge. Therefore I do not agree that being in a same gender relationship is illegal or that BEING homosexual is illegal. If no criminal enterprise exists it cannot be aided or abetted.

I need to remind you that I have a daughter who is in a 25 year same gender partnership and I have a very short fuse on the subject. In the case of this topic I consider the subject irrelevant.

We agree that we need a new approach to immigration regulation and fakeproof proof of residency status. Presentation of forged or otherwise bogus documents adds fraud to the crimes to be considered, regardless of the treatment of illegal residency status.

We may or may not agree on what to do with/about the millions of invaders already here. Congress has proved either timid or aggressive on that one. . . fight or flee. Most of them plan on running for reelection and they don't know who to pander to. I think our President, who doesn't need to please idiots on either side and is sensitive to the people most affected, has a sound, fair plan. I despair of getting it, or any sound, fair plan into law.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

JB, do you really consider amnesty for these foreign invaders a fair plan? What about the thousands of people waiting in line to enter this country legally?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Judge blocks town's illegal immigration law

"Amnesty" is a red herring cooked up by the Dems, cbc. Amnesty is forgiveness without penalty.

The President's plan offers no amnesty. The best case road to citizenship includes fines, probation, then go to the END of the line. The "guest worker" plan does not include a path to citizenship, and only those illegals already here can qualify to get in line for the fines, probation and wait for the opportunity to apply for citizenship. Don't qualify? Go home, now. Remember that one must speak english and other requirements to become a citizen.

The weaknesses in the whole plan are that it doesn't cover how to enforce the laws it proposes or how to stop illegal entry.