I've been searching in vain for a used control box with all the connections for my 1980 50 hp Johnson motor. To buy it new, if I could find one, would cost more than I paid for the motor. I noticed on EBay (item number 1800203592) one that came off of a 1978 55 hp Johnson. I hope someone can tell me if this would work on my motor.<br /><br />Also, I keep reading about the "red plug" on a lot of the control boxes for Johnson/OMC on Ebay. Does the red plug mean that they fit on any motor that also has a red plug? I looked in a Clymer manual and noticed that the wiring changed a lot on Johnsons over the years, but maybe they terminated the plug the same?<br /><br />I read this board often, it's the best education available, and you guys are great. Thanks to anyone that can answer.<br /><br />From the chilly coast of Maine,<br />Tedd