Re: Johnson Venom 200 -- Newby Looking for Friendly Advice from you Experts
Absolutely take to an authorized dealer, especially if you're uncomfortable checking things out yourself.<br /><br />Now a word (or several) about "authorized" dealers - just because the have a Johnson or Evinrude sign (or Mercury or Yamaha or any other for that matter) hanging on the building doesn't mean they're good. Ask around, local "word of mouth" will usually put onto a good service dealership. And, expect to pay a premium for that service - the investment in special tools and continuing education for the technicians is substantial. Look around in the shop office, good dealerships display their tech's credentials - many certificates have expiration dates too. Make sure the certificates are current and the tech STILL works there.<br /><br />Arrange any pre-purchase inspection well in advance, don't expect to get in on a Saturday afternoon on short notice either. Like mentioned above, you want to have compression & spark checked, have the gearcase lube, trim fluid and the oil injection reservoir inspected - water in any of those sytems will mean "death" to that part of the engine. I would expect to have the dealer spend at least an hour looking the rig over. One of the best things you can do, as the potential new owner is the on the water test drive.<br /><br />Good luck!<br /><br />-John