I have a 2 stroke 1984 6hp Johnson Seahorse "sailmaster" longshaft outboard. I took it out on Monday, but was in a real hurry, and didn't measure the 2 stroke oil (stupid me). I poured way too much in, but it didn't really register at the time, so I carried on. Well, I was chuggin down the river, and then it started running at about half speed. I "limped" back to the slip, and thought that if I put some fresh petrol in it, and gave the spark plugs a clean it would run again. Anyway, got home, did all that, and it still won't run. It's got worse now, as it runs (at about half speed) for about 3 seconds, then stalls. I need to know what's wrong with it, and HOW DO I FIX IT?? To make matters even worse, I am advertising it at the mo (I wana get a bigger one) and a guy phoned me to say he wants to come and see it!