Johnson 6hp seahorse 'leg'

John Sellers

Sep 17, 2003
My o/board (Model 6BAL79E) seems to have an 'extra long leg' (hope this is the right terminology). About half way down there is a section that looks to be 'removable' if the shaft inside is able to be 'adjusted'. It would be shortened by 4" or so, which I could do with. Is this possible?<br /><br />Thank you.


Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2001
Re: Johnson 6hp seahorse 'leg'

Hi John,<br /> That section itself is removeable, but then you have to deal with the innards. The driveshaft would have to be swapped out with a shorter one. The increments for shaft length are 5". You'd also have to either swap out the shift rod with a shorter one (if it was originally a long shaft) or remove the brass shift rod extension (if it was converted to long shaft since original). You would also need to either remove the water tube extension or cut 5" off the tube if it doesn't have an extension attached. Make sure you maintain the angle of the water tube tip and remove any burrs with a file...<br />- Scott