I have a still to be water tested 67 Johnson 6HP that I recently bought used and am tuning up. I went to order a new prop for it, and it came in ( a Michigan Wheel make) It turned out to not work at all. The aft portion of the hub had no portruding boss to put the shear pin through that would hold the prop in place on the shaft. The MW prop bushing was just totally flush with the prop itself with no way to hold it in place on the shaft. The Part no for the Johnson prop should have been 380958 which translates to the MW Prop #012005. After a lot of calls one helpful parts dealer believes he solved the problem. I am looking for confirmation in the forum of his solution.
He states the parts catalog drawing for the 1967 HP CD-24D model is wrong (this one shows the shear pin and portruding boss on the prop) the part number however is right. Johnson apparently never updated the drawings in the parts catalog, just the part numbers. The prop that has the portruding boss is really from a pre-1965 motor and therefore the lower unit on the motor I have (my upper unit has the plate identifying it as CD-24) is not original and from another older unit.
On one hand it seems he is right in as much I can identify a different type of paint (white not green) as original on the lower unit. However it seems so odd that a lower unit of a pre-65 Johnson should be able to work on a 67, above all since the HP does not match.(5.5 in those days)
Anyone think the 64 lower units would work, and therefore correct interpretation? Does anyone have a 67 CD-24 with no protruding boss that the part diagram "mistakenly" shows for that model?
The prop for this older LU unit costs $125 (as opposed to the $75 for the CD-24 original LU) Any place to get one cheaper? Thanks for the help.
He states the parts catalog drawing for the 1967 HP CD-24D model is wrong (this one shows the shear pin and portruding boss on the prop) the part number however is right. Johnson apparently never updated the drawings in the parts catalog, just the part numbers. The prop that has the portruding boss is really from a pre-1965 motor and therefore the lower unit on the motor I have (my upper unit has the plate identifying it as CD-24) is not original and from another older unit.
On one hand it seems he is right in as much I can identify a different type of paint (white not green) as original on the lower unit. However it seems so odd that a lower unit of a pre-65 Johnson should be able to work on a 67, above all since the HP does not match.(5.5 in those days)
Anyone think the 64 lower units would work, and therefore correct interpretation? Does anyone have a 67 CD-24 with no protruding boss that the part diagram "mistakenly" shows for that model?
The prop for this older LU unit costs $125 (as opposed to the $75 for the CD-24 original LU) Any place to get one cheaper? Thanks for the help.