Johnson 50esl74m Male fuel line connector on engine.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 10, 2015
Hi all, The fuel line connection at the engine seems to be leaking. I've replaced the female connector on the tank hose but when I pump the bulb I can see gas weeping out at the connection. I've been looking around for the male connector that bolts to the engine but am having no luck in finding it. Anyone know where I can find a replacement? Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
No big mystery, it is part number 376154, replaced by 393334, any Evinrude dealer. Maybe you will get lucky and find one of the old 376154 parts. 393334 is a re-designed part to comply with today's emission laws and is $$$. Anyhoo, it would be rare for your part to be defective unless it is bent or buggered up somehow. I'd rather think the fault is with the hose end part---yeah, even if it is new. Are you sure you got the correct one? There are look-alike ones for different motors such as Yamaha.