Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
MY Johnson 225 seems to have some type of fuel problem I think. I cleaned the carbs and they were clean but not when I first cranked it up and took off, it seemed like it wasnt getting enough fuel. It would run fine in Neutral but when I took off it would seem like it was getting fuel then not enough fuel. then finally will I got it planed off , it was still doing it. When I got up to 55 mph it wanted to cut back some. It was like it would go then slow down, go then slow down. Could this be the fuel pump bc I think its a fuel problem. At WOT, it used to run wide open but now it has some type of pulsation. Its like its not getting the steady flow of fuel but I have a new fuel filter and cleaned carbs. What else could it be? What is the average fuel pressure for that motor. Can you please help me? Thanks alot, WES

Big flop

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 6, 2011
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

When running at the RPM that is a problem
did you try pumping the primer bulb?
When you cleaned the carbs did you
check the float levels and make sure
the main jets were clean?
Need model # RE fuel pump pressure. :) :cool:


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

J225PLSSR. The main jets are clean and I didn't mess with the float levels. I didn't try priming. It went it was having the problem but I will today.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 16, 2008
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

The 3 necessities of a smooth running engine

Air (comrpessed) - Have you checked your compression with a compression gauge?
Fuel - checked all fuel lines and filters and fuel pick up tube in bottom of fuel tank? Checked all orifices in the carbs?
Spark -Right amount at the right time - Did you check the timing with a timing light? Check the gaps in the plugs, fouled or semi fouled plug? Coil test with meter?

My engine was running rough last time out and I went through this. Turned out it was a semi fouled plug. Ran like a top after a little sea foam decarbing and new plugs. Sorry for your troubles partner. This can be maddening trying to put your thumb on it but with the right patience and proper tools, I have complete faith that you will have a smooth running engine again soon.

Good luck!


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2009
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

+1 spark. Buy a spark tester at an auto store.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

Ok so I found the problem. When I took the cover off my motor and started inspecting again. I saw a drop of fuel coming from the fuel rail. I cut off the hose a little bit and put it back on there with a metal clamp. She did wonderful tonight on lake greenwood. Plus I caught a 5 and 3.5 lber. Thank you so much for the help and info. It makes it easier on some one that doesn't have alot of money. Thanks Again, WES


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 16, 2008
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

WES, this is great news! Glad we could be of assistance. I know how good it feels when she purs like a kitten again. Happy Boating!


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

WES, this is great news! Glad we could be of assistance. I kntow how good it feels when she purs like a kitten again. Happy Boating!

Ok so evidently the leaking fuel line was not the problem. When I took all the spark plugs out and did a spark test, I only recieved spark from the right side of the engine. It has a new power pack and when Im on the water and the motor is running, the engine starts running rough until I give it gas and then she starts firing on all cylinders and it will stay keep like running fine then until I get to WOT. I took the wires off while it was running and I had fire on all cylinders. With the sparkplugs out and doing a spark test on the coils with a 7/16 gap testers, only three on the right side fired. Number one cylinder had a really fast spark and the other two coil had a strong spark but wasn't firing like the number one was. Do you think that it could be a stator breaking down? Can I check the resistance on the coils to see if they are bad? What is resistance suppose to be and Is there a way to check my stator. I changed spark plugs yesterday and gap them to specs. It still felt like it was breaking down at WOT or either it was lacking fuel some how. I don't see how about lack fuel b/c I cleaned the carbs and jets, fuel filter, etc. All that is clean, thats why I think it is an electrical problem. Could it be a VRO pump going bad? I have no idea what to check now. I could use some help. Please write or call my cell Thanks WES Cell 864-923-2125


May 27, 2011
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

Watching this one cause my 96 Johnson 70hp is doing exactly the same thing.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

I put my timing light on all the coils and nothing seemed wrong with them today. I also did another spark test once the engine was warm and I got a good spark. I don't know what to do next. I guess tomorrow, Im going to the lake and run my boat at WOt with the timing light on to see if i can find the problem and Im gonna buy some new spark plug wires.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

Is it possible for a stator to be breaking down. I tested for resistance on all my coils and had some that were showing 003 on my multimeter but that's hardly no resistance. I need some help. Thanks wes


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 16, 2005
Re: Johnson 225 running rough at WOT and Start up

Is it possible for a stator to be breaking down. I tested for resistance on all my coils and had some that were showing 003 on my multimeter but that's hardly no resistance. I need some help. Thanks wes

Be sure to get a service manual , or go to CDI website, they have the test readings for the stators, timing bases and powerbacks...voltage will have to be tested using a DVA adapter or a DVA meter. A regular multimeter won't get the right value.