Joe Reeves Please read

Donnis Reese

Jun 5, 2002
Joe, I have put a couple of posts on here concerning my 1972 65hp evinrude triumph not going into neutral or reverse. You gave me some info on checking the Solonoids I found the problem in the wiring harness got that fixed. Thanks alot. Then I changed the lower unit oil (with an oil that said it was OMC approved but it was not OMC Brand) and took it out. It worked great for an hour then it started popping in and out of gear in forwerd only. Is it true that when in forward there is no power to either solonoid on this hydro electric shift? Next I pulled the lower unit and pulled the clutch dog. I found probably 2mm of wear from the corners of the clutch dog. Would this be enough wear to cause this problem? I flipped this over to the other side (which showed wear also but not as much)put it all back and took it out...Still the same thing. popping in and out of gear in forward only. So the three questions I have are. <br /><br />On the hydroelectric shift would the type of oil used cause this problem?<br /> <br />How much wear on the clutch dog would cause this? <br /><br />Would changing to OMC brand oil fix this problem or is damage already done to the point of no return? <br /><br />Please help and thanks in advance.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Joe Reeves Please read

D.C.Reese... OMC lower units use two different type of lube, depending on whether the unit is a manual, or one of two types of electric shift. In your case, you must use what is called "Premium Blend", also known as "Type C" lube. You CAN NOT use the thicker "HiVis" lube which is what I suspect you may be using. Changing to the proper lube is a must but whether or not that will cure the problem is unknown.<br /><br />The clutch dog in that unit CAN NOT be reversed. Look at it closely and you'll see two lines inscribed in the lobes of one side. On that same side you'll also see the words "Prop Side". A brand new shifter dog if installed backwards will jump out of gear. The wear on a shifter dog lobes must be at a right angle. If they're rounded off, the unit will jump out of, and back into, gear on a constant basis at the higher rpms. (Feels like you're constantly hitting something).<br /><br />In forward gear, there is no voltage to the unit, and the unit is forced into forward gear by a spring loaded shifter dog. If all is as it should be, and the unit jumps out and into forward gear, the shifter dog is worn or installed backwards. Inspect the gear lobes closely as those may be worn also.<br /><br />The shifter dog is OMC #317667 and list for approximately $64.00 (I have one left in stock). The forward gear set (old & new) number is #385259 ->397492 and list for approximately $388.00 (I do not have this item). Good Luck.

Donnis Reese

Jun 5, 2002
Re: Joe Reeves Please read

Thanks Joe, That is exactly what I needed to know I will turn the clutch dog back around and change to the Type C lube I will let you know how it goes and whether or not I need the clutch dog. Again Thanks so much. Its kinda hard to fish while rowing a bass boat.