JH19! A mech shift converter for you.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

So with this shifter box and the rest of my hydro assist, (cable to remote, remote itself etc), I could go to a post 1981 lower (using my existing upper), and no other parts???? You mean there could be part of the season left for me!!!!??? Tell me more!!!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

You can use your existing upper, you still need the cable that goes with the full mech lower plus the converter box.<br /><br />If the ebay converter is for the mech lower, which I believe it to be, it is the same for either the 400 or 800.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

Cool, thanks, appreciate the heads up. You know whats funny on my lower is off the boat it shifts and locks fully, on the boat it won't go into reverse, like there isn't enough throw to make it. Soon as you disconnect it from the shift box and pull the cable by hand it's fine.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

Originally posted by jh19:<br /> Cool, thanks, appreciate the heads up. You know whats funny on my lower is off the boat it shifts and locks fully, on the boat it won't go into reverse, like there isn't enough throw to make it. Soon as you disconnect it from the shift box and pull the cable by hand it's fine.
Sounds like your shift converter might not be adjusted properly.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

How the hell do they adjust. There is absolutely nothing in my manual and on the shifter box, nothing appears adjustable. Where can this adjust, at the remote?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

The adjustment knob is on the cable coming from you throttle/shift lever. It is right at the point where the aforementioned cable is clamped to the converter box. The cable end then goes on to attach to the arm that operates the converter.<br /><br />To adjust or check it, you need to calibrate it first. Apparently this should be done everytime the lower is taken apart. Disconnect the shift/throttle cable and arm from the box. (you can remove the box from the transom)<br /><br />Put the outdrive in neutral, thread the cables into the box, place the cover over it, slide the arm on and mark directly behind it, on the cover, with a felt tip (be accurate). remove the cables and pull it into forward. repeat the above. remove the cables again and pull the unit into reverse. Repeat the marking behind the arm.(you can do this all with the lower removed)<br />Now reinstall the converter. When you have everything hooked back up, including the throttle/shift cable (make sure you left the drive in neutral) you can simply adjust the knob so that it will hook up with the converter lever that is located over your neutral mark. Shift it into forward, with the motor running and make sure that the converter lever goes all the way to the forward engaged mark.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

Boomer, thanks for all that typing, man I do appreciate it. I wonder, can simple vibration of use send this into misalignment? <br /><br />When I bought the boat, I was told that a slight grind was normal when putting into gear, to go slow so as not to jamb it into gear. I have been extremely gentle with it, but it does not sound completey normal to me. I can see some noise but this is more than I think I should expect. <br /><br />I wonder then if being slightly out of adjustment, the drive jumped, just for a fraction of a second out of gear and right back in again. It has never jumped out of gear and stayed out, just a quick bump. Is this possible. Remember, the guy I bought it from had a meticulous shop, the boat was very well clean and winterized. You could eat off the motor. (He is an appliance tech). He hd not changed the impellor pump, nor had the drive off at all, was unsure when the last service was done by a shop. He owned the boat for 1 and a half seasons.<br /><br />BTW my manual says nothing of adjusting the cable after drive removal. Surprise surprise. I am going to print this and reinstall the drive, and adjust the cable. It will probably take me til mid week to finish. I hope that this is at least a good start to getting back on the water. Thanks again for your patience, looking for forward to your input on this.....again.....-Jeff


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

Do your calibration before you install the drive. You want to be able to mark each position after having manually pulled the cables into gear position. There is actually five points, all about an inch appart, if your marks are near the top edge of the converter cover.<br /><br />They are neutral (1), begining of engagement for forward and reverse (2,3) fully engaged forward and reverse (4,5).<br /><br />Just be concerned with marking the three. Neutral, full forward and full reverse.<br /><br />The shift arm in this picture is not hooked up yet but you can see the five marks. The adjusting nut is just off screen to the left.<br /><br />The other picture is to show the adjusting knob. <br /><br />
<br /><br />


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

OK, so maybe my motor isn't as clean as yours!!!! When I installed the drive the first time, I made sure the drive was in neutral, and had the shift box arrow on 0.<br /><br />Do you think this could have been the problem all along? I know hard to tell from a few thousand miles, but you know the symptoms. Looking forward to your reply in the A.M. and thanks again.-Jeff


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

Notice, on my box, the center black mark (neutral) does not line up with the 0 on the printed sticker. It is about at number 2. This could very well have been your problem. Hope that if this is your problem that no damage has been done to the gears.<br /><br />Remember to follow all of my directions above re how, where and when to calibrate your converter.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 7, 2005
Re: JH19! A mech shift converter for you.

When I originally removed the drive I noted that it was set about 2 as well, but I set it back to 0 thinking it was where it should be, and there was nothing on readjusting the shift mechanism in the book. This is obviously where I lost reverse. <br /><br />My question to you is would vibration and age slowly make the cable come out of proper alignment? Could the cable have been the reason my drive started jumping? Could it have been right at the point that it started to just skip for a fraction of a second?<br /><br />I am going to try this this week, I have surgery for my right shoulder next week, won't be doing any boat work for a few weeks. I am also waiting for pics of a mech shift 400 I found last night in mich.