Re: Jeff Walkowiak... HELP!!!
first visually look in the pump to see if there is any object in the pump but I doubt it! what she did was most likely strip the P T O and driveshaft splines, revs but won't go any place. happens a lot .. bad news you must pull the pump and the drive shaft, now the bad news you need to replace the p t o on the rear of the crank that is the rear fly wheel that the drive shaft goes in to I hate doing those because they are a beast to remove, they screw on with normal right hand thread, I have a tool that goes in where the starter fits and it locks the front flywheel to enable you to take a pipe wrench to the p t o and a big pipe and un screw it from the drive shaft. I usually need to heat the inside of the pto to remove them sometimes you get lucky and they come off without heating them but not often, since the splines are destroyed the usual pto splined tool won't work I usually weld a huge nut to the end of the pto and use a 3/4 in drive breaker bar to get some leverage to unscrew it. Apipe wrench on the outside will do the job if it doesent break the jaw on the wrench first. BEEN THERE DONE THAT IT HURTS TO GET HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A PIPE WHEN IT BREAKS. you may try a rope in the rear cylinder to hold the crank while unscrewing the pto but be carefull not to have the rope get in to a port and loose some of it in to the engine,, a used pto and drive shaft will cost around 140 from jet king parts call joe at 727 488 5353 tell him what you need . as for new parts it's about 120 for the pto and 300 for a dreveshaft, while you are at it service the pump and the seal for the driveshaft as well