So... Does JBWeld work on a cracked block? Lets hear success and failure stories and alternatives. 1964 Mercruiser 110 2.5L 4 inch crack (still runs fine!)
Not neccessarily reccomending this but:: Years ago<br /> I patched a cracked block with Plastic steel.<br />Came in a tube at hardware store. Also had plastic aluminum and similar stuff.Had the car for five years,never leaked.Of course it was a 41 Chrysler with a low pressure system.But fresh water cooled motors dont have a pressure system anyway. Good luck.
we used marine tex on a motor out of the racecar<br />to patch a hole in the cylinder. thought we would patch it saturday morning so we could race sat. nite. we planned on replacing the block the following week. we won sat. and ran the motor<br />2 more years.. clean the area reel well, rough it<br />up. give it a try...
had a cracked block on a drag car drilled a hole at the top and bottom of crack to keep it from spreading. patched it up with jb weld and never had a problem for years also had a harmonic balancer come off the bolt holes in the crankshaft were strippid filled it with jb weld and its still hangin on after a few years so i say do it but i know they make stronger products <br />epoxy and such for auto racing industry jegs or summit racing will carry these and ship them to you c.o.d.<br /><br />good luck
have a 1946 Champion J-4-- has had a cracked blockfor about 10 yrs -repaired it with JB weld and has run fine . don't know it i would use it on a bigger or newer engine but then at one time i would have said that I wouldn' have used it on the older engine.