

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2003
i have a vision 185t bass boat. they were made in the early 90's. it has a similar layout to a ranger. my question is what jackplate is right for boat. am running a 10" now and i feel like that is too much setback. would i be able to gain anymore speed with a 4" or 6"? pushing it with a evinrude xp 150 at 56-58 mph loaded. any feedback would be great


Apr 14, 2002
Re: jackplate

Quite to the contrary...more set back equals more speed. At ten iches you should be running the cav. plate about 3" above the keel


Apr 14, 2002
Re: jackplate

Setback is a compromise between height of cavitatin plate and type of prop and general amount of availabe horsepower......If your set up came from the dealer that way, I surmise it is set up properly except for cavitation height and proper prop. At WOT you should be able to trim the bow up and down still with differences in speed. If the trim has no effect you are probably running the motor to high or not the rite prop. With this setup you should be running a cupped 4 or 5 blade prop with the prop ACTUALLY running out of the water at speed. A standard 3 blade won't cut it for this type of setup. The object of the multiblades is to increase the surface area of your prop so that the engine can run at higher elevation settings and maintain the same amount of "standard" prop area in the water for your engine HP. THUS you will maintain the proper bow lift and/or leverage to trim the hull. The FAR back set up only gets you "cleaner" water to pass over the lower unit and prop and a little bit better leverage for bow lift. BUT you must run the engine at a higher setting yet. A 5 blade prop should alow an even higher jack setting....


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2003
Re: jackplate

it seems to me that if hes got a 150 he's running a 18 or 19 foot boat and 10 in of set back could be to much. But before you start bolting jackplate to jackplate there are potential negative trade-offs with additional offset. As you move an engine farther back you can actually enter dead spots in the water stream coming off the pad. Yes, on some boats a ten inch plate will not perform as well as an eight. Also, as you move the engine back you can create some obnoxious handling just my thought on it i've been reserching it alot lately before i buy


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2003
Re: jackplate

i am running a renegade 4 blade prop. i have tested all props from rakers to vipers and renegade gave the best lift because visions have a hard time getting up there. the motor is 4" up off the transom. i've tried all heights, and 4" is the best speed i could get. just wondered if i was too far back and would i be able to get more lift bringing motor in closer to 4" or 6" plate. it didn't come from factory rigged with plate, guy i bought it from had put it on. i've just never seen a 150 with so much setback. i've seen 200's and 250's with 10" and 12" plates. just wanted some feedback before i try a 4" or 6". thanks.


Apr 14, 2002
Re: jackplate

At WOT can you trim the bow up and down? Have someone watch you do a hi speed pass in a bow up condition, how much of the hull is in the water? Back 6 feet, back 10 feet? if you can trim up to only the last 5-6 feet of hull("the pad") you have the boat tuned for optimum speed...


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2003
Re: jackplate

at wot i would say the hull is out at approx. 4' past transom. but i would think that with the right jackplate, i should be running on a 1' or 2' pad. visions have always been known to have a tough time getting the lift that they should. have you ever herd anything about these boats? some say that legend bought them out in '95 and they are very similar to a legend, but i've also herd that ranger had a hand in it somehow.


Apr 14, 2002
Re: jackplate

if your on the last 24" or less of the keel/pad, your on the border line for stability. Your setup is working just fine then.....


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2003
Re: jackplate

this is what i found on bbc about your boat from there expert todd morgan (The Vision has some issues with bow lift...they basically run pretty flat on the water and need a good high rake 3 blade prop and at least 6" of setback.....more works but makes the boat wallow at mid speed).<br /> if you want to go there and ask some vision owners i saw severl of them there hope this helps getting a boat set up can at times be vary frustrating. http://www.bassboatcentral.com/