OK heres the deal. I have a 1984 30hp Evinrude outboard, remote start, that runs fine, when it runs. I was initially having this problem; It seemed as though my primer solenoid was stuck open, as my engine would start and run on fuel already in the carbuerator, with the fuel line disconnected. As soon as I connect the fuel line, it seems to 'overfuel' or flood, and shuts down. I disconnect the fuel line, and crank it a few times to 'de-flood' it, and it fires up, once agin however, connect the fuel supply and it dies in seconds. In order to determine if the solenoid was stuck open, I disconnected one of the small fuel lines running from the solenoid to the carbuerator, and gave the primer ball a few squeezes and fuel came rushing out. So I bypassed the solenoid, (which obviously caused for a hell of a tough turnover on the initial cold start). I ended up spraying a fuel/oil mixture into the carb throat while priming the ball to speed up the cold start process, and once she is running, she runs fine, even with the fuel line connected, and will start on a dime thereafter, because it has sufficient fuel in the system. NOW........I replaced the primer solenoid (with a new/used part), and am still having the same problem. I disconnected the same small fuel line running to the carbuerator and primed the ball, and had no fuel squirting out, so the solenoid seems to be ok. However, I am still not hearing the 'click' coming from the solenoid when I choke the engine by pushing in the key. This has be boggled, and about to create a new artificial reef in the Gulf. The only thing I can think of is that on a recent trip to the mechanic, he cheaply repaired my wiring harness by cutting the wires on each side and just manually splicing the wires, essentially omitting the actual harness, (which really should be OK, everything else works fine). The thing is, I didnt have this fuel problem until I got the boat back from the wiring harness 'repair'. Could this be where my problem lies????? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
Missing out on the Tarpon,
Missing out on the Tarpon,