It's about time: Top court backs college military recruiting law


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
It's about time that the Supreme Court slapped these Universities who have been biting the hand that feeds them. <br /><br />For too long now Universities have had the audacity to take billions in Federal funding while trying to keep military recruiters off the campus.<br /><br />Many times the excuse has been their idealogical disagreement with the military in general. As often as not these days, it's because of the supposed military abridgement of "civil rights" against homosexuals. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Now, like the Court says "you don't have to accept the military but you don't get the bux"<br /><br />In another arena, I am getting sick of the number of effeminate TV news/weather personalities that are gracing my living room these days.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: It's about time: Top court backs college military recruiting law

I was a Recruiter when I was in the Army. It amazed me on how much the schools would take from the government then kick us out.<br /><br />It was a constant however, the recruiters are so used to bypassing the BS it did not really slow us down. We continued to do our jobs and not use the igmorance of the school officials as an excuse.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: It's about time: Top court backs college military recruiting law

I find it amazing that the people who scream the loudest about free speech are some of the first to prevent it.<br /><br />This goes for both the libs and conservs.<br /><br />What are these colleges afraid of, that some of their students may actually join???<br /><br />Ken


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: It's about time: Top court backs college military recruiting law

It will be interesting to see how many of these people believe their own rhetoric and will stand up for their convictions and not take any government money. <br /><br />Actions speak louder than words. I would imagine a few will make some mouth noises but in the end, they will take the money. That is the real issue anyhow. Homosexuals were just a useful tool in this case.<br /><br />Regardless how Alito or Roberts voted the result would have been the same. The verdict was unanimous. Funny how some of the best legal minds in our universities couldn't put a case together that passed the smell test. :rolleyes: