It is bad enough to get non solicited call, but this one takes the cake!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
So I am sitting here this afternoon, wife is making dinner(finally no turkey) and the phone rings, normally I won't answer, but for some stupid reason I did! So this young chipper sounding gal is calling to tell me, they have a great special on having cable TV installed at our home! I proceed to let her know, no you don't, they have told me numerous times, they will never run cable to my location, the closest house to us with cable is over 5 miles away and I thank her for the call..

Well, she wants to continue trying, she states based on your address, we indeed can install cable in your home, the install will be free and the price will be 1/2 off for the first year, in addition, we will give you free voice phone for how ever long.!

I continue to let her know, believe me, I have lived here over 20 years now, you won't install cable in my home! She continues to say yes we will.

So finally I am getting tired of this conversation as my wife is listening in the background and laughing a certain part of her body off with tears in her eyes! So finally I ask, what address she has on file, she proceeds to read off the address and I sit here shaking my head, it is an old address we have not had for 15 years, which is a small box address we had at a UPS store for a while, I asked her if they charge extra at the UPS store so I can run down every once in a while to watch a race or a tennis match....Phone goes dead for a moment then she asks me, what I am talking about. I explain to her, it is going to be difficult to install a cable run into a 4 x 6 inch box that is located 19 miles from my actual home.

All of this transpired over about a 30 minute period of my life wasted, but for some reason I could not let it go!




Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Should have asked if she knew how to get large blood stains outta carpet.....

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
you should have set up an appointment for them to come in to the UPS store.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
you have way more patience than I have. now days I don't answer if I don't know the number, and if by chance I answer thinking I know the number and am mistaken, they get abut 2 seconds of my time. LOL

usually it goes LOL

I never feel guilty about hanging up on telemarketers.


May 14, 2015
follow along here....we sold our house about 20 years ago to a friend of mine. well about 3 years ago my son starts going out with their daughter (they still live in the house we sold them). my son is over there all the time (he was 4 when we moved out). a couple weeks ago my son comes home and says her dad said we had mail. he handed me a postcard type thing with my name and our old address. they just sent it last week. i wonder if they ever got any other mail that i don't know about. this was just junk advertisement stuff so i'm glad we didn't get


Lieutenant Commander
May 8, 2012
Yep, gotta love the telemarketing calls.

I like the one where you tell them "I'm really interested in your offer, but you called me at an inconvenient time. Give me your full name, and your phone number, and I'll call you back"