It finally runs.....thank God


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2004
Well, if anyone cares, my 1989 175gt finally runs, runs good, and runs strong. After burning up the starter brushes, and having no luck with the motor, I rebuilt the starter with new brushes, and it started. Only once. Broke down and finally took it to someone. Everything was leading to the pack, but it wasn't. Then trigger, then it finally turned out to be the flywheel sensor magnets were screwed up, and couldn't fix em. Got a new one at half the regular price, fixed a gasket by the reeds from to much gas, and a sync n lync. Getting the registration tomarrow, and takin it out sunday. I've been workin on it for over a year, and we won't talk about the price it was to get it fixed, and we definantly won't talk about the frustration.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

A factory service manual apparently would have saved you a bunch of money, time, and frustration. Most diagnostic work can be done with inexpensive tools.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2004
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

ok, i rebuilt the damn engine myself, and no where in the manual, is there any trace of flywheel testing. why does everyone always assume that no one has a manual? Numerous times I have posted on here for help with my boat, and the first thing I say is I HAVE A BOOK. and the first thing someone says is "A factory service manual apparently would have saved you a bunch of money, time, and frustration. Most diagnostic work can be done with inexpensive tools". And no, most work can be done with inexpensive tools, if you make and ass load of money, this of which I do not. I do not have a spark tester, but a good engine ground works. I do not have a peak reading volt meter, or an 80 dollar fluke meter, and the other crap you need to diagnose an engine. Maybe I didnt give much history on my problems, but if you do a search, and look thru a service manual yourself, you will find that all my problems were not the the book, and Im asking for help from experienced mechanics, and have realized that there are very little on this site, and probably have not worked on every johnson/ evinrude known to man.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

We can certainly say congrats on getting the rig ready for the water and hope the launch and testing are successful. It'll be a good feeling for you even if a bug might arise to cope with.

Yes, flywheel troubles can be a beotch to diagnos if the flywheel is not physically damaged. And to be honest, I have yet to run across a problematic flywheel at my shop. It happens, but not often with your style flywheel.

And I would hope you can understand that the wrenchs her on the forums are not standing next to the engine making the tests themselves. We help by evaluating the info provided by the poster and try to make a "best guess", if you will, on the problem and how to test for the problem and repair. All this done over sometimes very long distances on the Web. Big difference.

And we do encourage folks to post back with their "fix", especially with the problems that don't occur except may once in a very great yours. It helps everyone out in the long run.

Once again, hope your test run goes well with no problems. Please let us know how you make out.....




Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2004
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Thanks for the positive response OBJ. The biggest thing I hate tho is when you tell in your post that you have a service manual, the first and only thing a person says is "first you should get a manual". The person isn't even reading the post at all. Well, I hope everything works great on it. Otherwise, its going to be part of the Fish and Wildlife's reef project if ya know what I mean.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

It never ceases to amaze me how upset folks get at the "suggestion" that if you insist on working on your own equipment that you obtain a service manual specific to your engine? If more people followed that advice and came to this forum only after they were stumped, there would be far fewer posts for us to deal with and at least some preliminary troubleshooting would be done so we had more information to go on and therefore be more help. Do you really expect the folks on this forum to spoon feed you the often very detailed instructions contained in those manuals? You spent a year working on an engine that has now cost you how much money in parts, labor, frustration and time that were not necessary? The harsh reality is that as one regular on this forum says "those who work on their own equipment without a manual have a fool for a mechanic." If you really did have a manual, you apparently didn't follow its troubleshooting procedures. And if you ran multiple posts on the same problem that's inconsiderate as you are expecting other people to go back through thousands of posts to keep up with the progress on the problem. I will continue to suggest people get a manual before attempting any repair themselves. If you can't afford one, visit your local library. It's free and you might find other interesting books there as well.
Nov 1, 2006
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Hey man congrats!!

I just took my 63 Evinrude out the otherday, only made a couple of circles on the water, but it was a great feeling!

Now get out there and enjoy your hard work!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2004
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Silvertip, I had to rebuild the engine because the number one piston melted. Not because I'm an indiot and do not know what I'm doing. Im a US Marine, and I work on a 52 million dollar aircraft as an airframe mechanic. I know what I'm doing, and we do everything by the book. So I got a repair manual to obviously rebuild the engine. I put brand new ignition components on it so it wouldn't happen again. You should never assume......................


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Thanks for your service and all that you do. I did my time 46 years ago. I apologize if I upset you. If you are upset over the "fool for a mechanic" statement -- well, that's just a cliche and a very appropriate one. Would you not consider a person a fool for attempting to do your job without a manual? Unfortunately cliches can be misunderstood. As for the manual and multiple post issues, I won't go further with that because it is pointless. Boat safely and keep 'em flying.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Silvertip....thank you for that post. To me, it shows a very upstanding individual. My hats off to you sir.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2004
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Yes, I would call someone a fool for trying to work on something without a manual, because 90 percent of your answers are in it. Anyway, I got the boat out today, and it works great. Better than it ever did, and it didnt explode so I guess it was done right. Sometimes I guess you gotta call in the pros.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Or get that "bigger hammer".......d:)d:)

Congrats on the job! Glad to here went good..8)


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: It finally runs.....thank God

Nice job on getting her going. Hope the test run proves positive.... Most on here will sincerly try to help out if possible, including Silvertip....