Re: islander transom question
You can also check out my "blog" / "story" for info to.. (scroll to the bottom for latest info)
I was a bit scared to say the least of removing the entire wood, and replacing, I had no knowledge of installing a gimbal housing.
What I did wrong was how I cut the top of the transom off, and ended up cutting a little to much off and some of the aluminum leaving an uneven top.. I used about 2 tubes of 5200, 1 tube of 4200 and 1 high end tube of liquid nails(with a 4200) on the top edge to help seal and prevent any water from getting to it top down.. I also sealed along the seam of the channel and both the inner and outer ends of the bottom channel to help stop any water from sitting or getting in there. I found that where the bottom foot of my transom ladder was, was the cause of some of the rot, and there were a couple other holes in the back, as well water had gotten in around the area between the metal at the gimbal housing and the wood of the transom.. I HIGHLY recommend CPES ( 2qt kit ) mixing and using 1qt per side of a finished transom before install (which I did do) I used a 2 part epoxy to glue the 2 separately cut peices together, layed flat with as much weight as I could find and let cure for 3-4 days before coating with CPES.
1 thing I should've done was trim/sand the bottom and have it a little more fitted, but as I mentioned I used 5200 along the bottom to help seal.
I also should have coated the spacer for transom plate with CPES and maybe 4200'd at least before final. .. also shoulda painted the plate RED..
( all I can think of at the moment )