'96 25HP 3 Cyl. So a few weeks back I had my carbs completely Re-synced and had all linkages adjusted by an Evinrude dealer. They adjusted the timing back to exact specs (wasn't too far off) and replaced the plugs and plug wires. The motor runs with ZERO lean sneezes or backfires but the idle seems to be rough compared to what it was prior to the adjustments. The dealer states that these motors do not run very smooth to begin with at idle but open up nicely. Once I am in gear and underway, the motor seems to get back into it's element and it accelerates nicely. I have started to notice though that I either seem to be getting some Ventilation or prop slippage at WOT. This is a short shaft motor on a 16' flat bottom skiff. Basically, when the water is slightly to moderately choppy, the motor will rev up on rpms and there is a feeling of loosing momentum. Then the motor corrects itself. This only happens at WOT. The cavitation plate is pretty close (within 1/2") of being flush with the keel and this motor also has manual trim selection which means I have to stop the boat, go to neutral and adjust the trim if needed. Is there a significant difference between what ventilation and slippage feels or sounds like? Long shot, but could the link and sync have anything to do with this?