Howdy RRRich
The folks hear a lot about folks having troubles and most are always do to lack of maintenance. The fresh water boats have much less maintenance needs then the salt water folks. In most cases just take it as they really want to do you right by those asking questions. Even though it may come out a little slanted at times. I'm no exception, I do it also, sometimes just doesn't come out the way it was meant. Just know we want to do you right
Pull propeller and grease shaft. DONE (thank some rocks)
This is a good thing to do ever year with salt and every other for fresh. Reason being, need to change lube anyway, and also the prop can seize to the shaft and will be a real bear to get it off. One guy on hear had to cut it off, was a real mess.
Grease hinge pins and swivel joints. DONE?? Are these zerks?
In most newer cases there are no zerks
Check engine alignment. HUH? Why would it change and how to check? Why was this in bold?
With age the boat hull can move a bit and this slight change can and does change the alignment. Most folks don't pull the drive very often, and in my opinion if the drive slides on/off without much pressure your good. I still check the alignment because it takes 20 seconds and I have the tool. As before if it slides on/off without have to kick or pry your probably good. Keep in ind these folks and my self hear of folks burning their engine couplers out.
Grease engine coupler. ?? Is this a zerks? I greased the splines on the drive's shaft when it was off.
Doing it that way works, and I also do it that way. Even use a long flat screw driver to put a tad of grease in it. The zerks are there to grease, but getting the motor to the right spot to grease can be a pain.
Check rear mounting screw tensions. Huh??
These are the rear motor mounts, which I have never done but my guess its a good thing to do. Could also be the upper pivot pin nuts which should be checked, and I do this.
All the best