Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!


Jun 14, 2010
Hello, I'm trying to help a friend fix his 1976 Evinrude 70hp three cylinder outboard model # 70673D.

The boat is a 16" Fiberglas Tri-hull rated for 90hp max
It has a 13 1/4 X 17 prop on it now.

The engine was installed this year and we are using the prop that came with the engine. When the engine was installed we checked compression, the readings were 150, 143, 142. And the spark jumped 7/16" nicely but it wouldn't stay running unless I feathered the choke. So, removed the carbs and rebuilt them. I found plenty of gum & brown material. I rebuilt with new gaskets and made sure the floats were set correctly. Then I did a sync & link and used the Joe reeves method to check wot timing which was dead on. It ran great on the hose, but wouldn't rev up in gear in the water.

The tach didn't work either, I changed the rectifier and now it works fine.

The stator wiring looked questionable so I installed a new cdi stator..... Then it would get on plane but was slow revving from 3-4K rpm (10seconds+)

I changed two coils because they had cracks in them, but that didn't make any difference:(

I found a new CDI power pack for $80 so I tried that-- no difference

I removed the carbs and double checked float heights and removed and re-inspected all jets... Everything looked great and was very clean.

I put the carbs back on and it made no difference.

Then I checked a few more things:
1. Compression: 150, 144, 143
2. Spark jumps 7/16"... Tried running the boat with a timing light on each cylinder at all rpm. Never lost spark on any cylinder!
3. Had a friend drive the boat while it was revving slowly and tried spraying mixed fuel into each carb. Each time engine bogged down
4. Tried pumping the primer bulb while the engine was revving.... No difference
5. Pushed key in for choke while revving slow... No difference

The engine starts easily, idles smoothly, and will get up to 5500 rpm and run very nicely once it gets up to speed. Just takes forever to get up to speed.

If I have two people in the boat it will take 30 seconds to 1 min to get from 3k-4k rpm them will plane and rev smoothly.

More than two people in the boat and it will never get over 3k rpm!

So.... Other than slowly revving up the boat runs great. I can't seem to find anything else wrong with the engine and the bottom of the boat is clean, no algae.

Is this still an engine problem or is it propped incorrectly?


Jun 14, 2010
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

I almost forgot....
I have two brand new 6 gallon fuel tanks and all new fuel lines.
I filled the tanks with fresh gas and pumped some into a glass jar using the primer bulb. The gas had a blue tint and no signs of debris or water!


Jun 7, 2011
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

I'm a noob so take it FWIW. Did you "inspect" the jets etc or did you actually clean ALL jets/ports/passages etc? If the carb actually was fully serviced/cleaned...then I would try a new prop(assuming you don't have to buy it BEFORE you know it will work for your motor).


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

I think it is time to try a prop with less pitch. Since Max RPM is 4K, try a 13" pitch prop and see if you get 4800+RPM. Obviously borrow one as this is an inexact science.


May 10, 2010
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

If you eventually get to 5500 then the prop is probably right. Have you checked that the prop hub isn't slipping?


Feb 23, 2011
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

Agreed. The one time I over-pitched my prop I still got full RPM's but took FOREVER for the engine to push the boat out of displacement mode and up on plane. Hopefully you can find a loaner just to test it.
Oct 22, 2007
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

Have you checked that the prop hub isn't slipping?

If the hub were slipping the engine would rev freely but the boat wouldn't go.

Is it possible the boat has waterlogged foam? If there's a lot of extra weight (water) then it very well could act as you describe. A slightly lower pitched prop would probably help, more power would definitely help (although it sounds like a bigger engine isn't an option at the moment), but if by chance you're carrying around a few hundred pounds of wet foam it's going to be a dog.


Jul 22, 2008
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

All good suggestion above.

Those were very reliable, great on gas, but a complete dog out of the hole. At 49ci it didn't make any meaningful power until higher rpms. An 85HP of that time, with nearly twice the cubes, would launch that boat out of the hole, but only run ~3mph faster on top - all the while using a lot more fuel.

OMC even had a tech bulletin to to drill vent holes in the prop - unheard of at the time - to aid the 3 cylinder loopers getting into the power band of the motor during acceleration..

Power trim or somewhat tucked in trim angle, and/or a doel-fin would help get on plane...but the right prop is a must.

An added thought here... How does it behave when you put passengers in the bow. It should make a significant difference.

If your current prop is an older straight pitch design, you'll see a noticeable improvement switching to a modern era variable blade pitch design. The blades are contoured to act as a lower pitch prop at slower speeds and a higher pitched at higher speeds. Dropping to a 15" pitch of same design would also get you over the planing hump.

Post on the prop side for more prop suggestions... A Solas Amita only runs $88 with hub at iboats and the 13 1/2 x 15" would be my 1st suggestion. You can run that motor up to ~5800 without ill effects.


Jun 14, 2010
Re: Is this an engine or prop problem? Please help, tried everything!

Hello, thank you all for the replies! I have been taking a few days away from the boat to think about it. I think everyone is right, it sounds like it's time for me to test some different props.

I really don't think there's water logged foam in the boat, but I can't say that for certain.

Putting someone up frond did make a little difference compared to having them sit next to me, but with another person up front it still took much longer to plane than when it's just me in the boat.