is there ANYWAY to contact STARCRAFT MARINE directly?

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
they do not list a phone # or contact info at source to email.....its like they DONT WANT you to contact them

does anyone have a phone #.......



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Never seen anyone post contact info for SC

What info are you looking for or think they'll be able to provide?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Oh yeah, based on past experiences posted here, their dealers dont even really want to be contacted about older boats and boat parts. Not even for models and parts that changed very little over decades, so there are huge #s of them out there, possibly needing some parts. Like transom corner caps and bow end caps.

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Never seen anyone post contact info for SC

What info are you looking for or think they'll be able to provide?

looking to see if there is an old timer there who may know about the construction of my early 80's Holiday.

I have a two piece bow..and its only .065" thick!!!!! and the outer edge is cut pretty ragged( even though it is covered). I wouldn't think StarCraft would have cut it so poorly. I am redoing my supports for the bow and will soon want to but that sheet aluminum on.. and since I plan to walk on the bow a lot...I want it to be strong...if the factory made it .065, then I have a little confidence in it... but if it was originally .100 like the rest of the hull, then Id want to buy new sheet aluminum!!

my boat is a 22ft V5 HOLIDAY... they may make the different sized boats....DIFFERENTLY!!!

I can see from some older post and pictures that the 18 ft V5's had a one piece bow!... and one guy here told me that his 21 ft pre V5 vintage Holiday had a THREE piece bow!!



Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Bob, there's no way Starcraft made the bow cover in a .100 thickness as it would serve no purpose, the supports are what keep it solid. .065 is what my Chief's cover is and cabin. Sides are .080, bottom .090 and transom .100. I do know all the regular SC's of that era had varying thicknesses throughout the build and I would imagine so does the v5 variant. I would imagine the gunnels are the same .065 as well. Going thicker then the rub rail brackets may not fit correctly.

I'm not sure what you would gain even if you were able to contact the SC factory directly? You would still have what you have. Imagine the factory would need to hire a bank of operators to talk to people with 30 - 40 year old boats wanting to ask questions. Call the Ford factory and ask them about a part on a 40 year old truck and see what happens. :lol:

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
I just looked at a picture I saved from this site from someone who was working on his is red and white and the guy had a chief in the backyard behind the holiday as well!!! in that picture I can see a seam down the middle of the bow.... I only need to find that thread and see how long his was....( I found the is sunny jims 22 ft V5 holiday I/O)

I was leaning towards just doubling up the front to back braces.... so I could have more confidence walking on the bow as much as I plan...(230lbs)

the bow was held together with aluminum POP rivets with steel mandrels!!!!!!!!.....would the factory use that type of rivet??

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Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
remember, a boat is intended to last 5-10 year service life MAX. (the whole planned obsolescence thing).


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Absolutely they did use steel mandrel AL blinds, my Chief was full of them. Oh and they lost a few of the popped mandrels too. Take a look... I had to remove the solids holding this bow deck support on so I could clean up this rusted mess. The hull had corresponding damage from the mandrel rusting to powder.


The mandrels came from the gunnel rivet installation, here's a pic of the gunnel blinds after being drilled out and they were filled with rust powder.

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Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
its like they DONT WANT you to contact them

That's because they don't want to talk to you. Even if you did get through, they still don't want to talk to you. Trust me, been down this road.

What you have right here on iboats is the best resource on the planet for all things Starcraft. Yes, I am including Starcraft Boat Company and it's dealers in that rating.

I'm serious, I'm not playen.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
The problem is they don't have anyone who remembers what was going on in the plant back in the 60's and 70's. The company has changed hands and the offices moved several times. When this site experienced our initial surge in popularity, we did have some luck contacting StarCraft. They had an older gentleman who had worked there since the 60's and worked maybe 2 days a week and would assist with mailing out B&W copies of specific brochure pages if you could contact him. Once they moved to the new Smokercraft offices, he was let go and we never had much luck trying to contact them from that point on.