Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .


Aug 26, 2006
I know these items are insignificant but it's getting down to principal now, as I've tried everything already!

So I have these two laptop beanbag desks. One was keep
T in the house and one was left in the basement.

Now of course my wife makes me use the one that was in the basement.
I 've tried everything I know but the darn beanbag part still smells musty.

I know IP can just by another one for like $24 bucks and maybe today I will finally chuck the musty one.

Figured ask here first though. Seems they don't make this particular model anymore which is nice and light and has a nice quality plastic tray that snaps ontop of the beanbag.

I first tried spraying and soaking the bag part with vinegar and then hanging in the sun for a few days. Nope.
Then I added vinegar to the washering machine water, fabric softener and then even dryer sheets when I put it in the dryer on delicate.

Last night I soaked it in the washer with a big scoop of Oxyclean for 6 hours. Then dried it in the dryer.
Then I even tried nuking it in the microwave this AM for 2 minutes. This works great on sink sponges.

Damn musty odor is still there :eek:

I just googled musty odor removal and one suggestion said Chlorine Dioxide is used in boats to remove musty cabin odors.
Think that will work on it?

Any other ideas?



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Enclose them in a small space with an Ozone Generator and leave it run overnight.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Enclose them in a small space with an Ozone Generator and leave it run overnight.

Thanks for the reply although $250 for an ozone generator might be overkill for my $24 laptop desk hahaha.

I soaked it this AM in the washer with a cup of bleach in the water since I don't care about the color any more.
Might have removed 90% of the musty smell so far. I have it hanging in front of a fan now drying out. If this works than I'll try soaking it for several hours in diluted bleach in the washer.

Thing is I've searched the web and not found this particular style. I have not used a laptop since I got the ipad2 last year and this desktop used along with "a wedge" is an ideal combo for me . . . So light I don't even feel it on my lap anymore. I put "the wedge" iPad holder on top of this beanbag desk.

This Wedge thing is the best $29 I've ever spent for an iPad accessory to use in bed or on the couch, I own two and bought two others that I gave as gifts:


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

You might throw in some Borax with your next soaking with bleach. As for the Ozone Generator, they are expensive no doubt but they have many good uses. They are great in any space for burning out smells. They do wonders in cars that have mustiness or tobacco odors. They are also great in closets that tend to get a bit odoriferous.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2007
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

I had an old leather jacket that got damp at some time- Sprayed the heck out of it a couple times with Fabreze.Let it dry and no more stink.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 20, 2012
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Just a suggestion that might work.
If i can make a dog smell better from a skunk fight ,,it might just work on the musky /
1 gallon of water and one large can of tomato juice -- let bag soak over an hour squeeze out ,, rince ,, redo same procedure one more time then rince and dry -- Seems the dog appreciated smelling better too,,
and my eyes quit waterlng !!

Fishing Dude too

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 13, 2011
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Mist with white vinigar an water let dry

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Go to a bulk store and buy a couple of pounds of baking soda. Stick the item in a garbage bag with baking soda in contact. Shake every few hours for 48 hours.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Just a suggestion that might work.
If i can make a dog smell better from a skunk fight ,,it might just work on the musky /
1 gallon of water and one large can of tomato juice -- let bag soak over an hour squeeze out ,, rince ,, redo same procedure one more time then rince and dry -- Seems the dog appreciated smelling better too,,
and my eyes quit waterlng !!

It's a velour beanbag base . . . Tomato juice would not mix well.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

I had an old leather jacket that got damp at some time- Sprayed the heck out of it a couple times with Fabreze.Let it dry and no more stink.

Febreze is great stuff especially for fabrics. I soaked it down with that last week. No change. Even threw a few Frebreze sheets in thendrey on delicate. No change.

Febreze is great for spraying the walls of my livingroom fireplace. Gets rid of that burnt wood smell after you have had a fire in it.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Go to a bulk store and buy a couple of pounds of baking soda. Stick the item in a garbage bag with baking soda in contact. Shake every few hours for 48 hours.

Thought I finally had it solved. let it soak in diluted bleach for 1/2 hour and then dried it again. About 90% gone so Imdidmit again in the bleach for 3 hours. Still about 95% gone.

So now it's in a plastic bag with a big bottle of baking soda coating it. I've been shaking it around. Will let stay in the bag for 2 days!

Even at 90% musty smell gone after the bleach, when I put it back on my lap for 1/2 hour while using the iPad. My pants smelled like old basement :eek:

let's see if the baking soda works . . .


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Is there a way to remove mustiness from this item . . .

Update: 2 days in baking soda and it still smelled. . . Tossed it in the garbage barrel. The basement must have rotted the fabric beyond saving.
But Thanks for all the suggestiions :)