Re: is it 6 or 12 Amp Johnson 135hp stator
OK I'll Look , But I read the manual and happened to find a section that tells what the resistance is for each amp Stator . IE .75 +- .04 Ohms for a 9 Amp , Other reading for each Stator , But again not for the 12 Amp , BUT If the resitance is the same I will assume they are the same , The other problem is when I look at the running motor [cracked insulation on stator] it is a 135ETL76C , Iboats does not have a listing for that 1976 motor , But has a part listing for ALL 73 to 1975 135ETL hp as a 6 amp , 135 Electric tilt Longsaft , for 1975 say's 6 amp , What do you think ? I appreciate all your help !! And I enjoy playing with old outboards , I graduated from United Auto workers Transmission training , I have a mechanical clue ,And the old running 135 johnson has 135 PSI even compression and a good lower unit that does not leak .so I just can't make myself scrap it But I have to research all electrical , Again I appreciate all the help !