I recently purchased a boat with a 1988 Evinrude 48 SPL, and I'm having a few troubles with the idle (you've probably seem many of my posts). I know maintance is very important (and I curse the previous owner for not doing a better job) and I just ordered a manual to help with some of the mystery of this engine. <br /><br />The motor has good and equal compression (125 in each), and it starts every time after a little coaxing. I've had trouble with it the last three times out, so I'm wondering if it's a bad engine or a dumb owner. <br /><br />On to my questions.<br /><br />- Is this Evinrude 48 a good motor in general?<br />- Can you buy a new motor and use your old one as a trade-in? (I'd like to get a 70HP for my boat)<br />- Is there anyway to increase horsepower or performance on my 48, if I ever get the idle issue straightened out?<br />- If I keep the motor, what's the best power trim option. This manual tilt is bringing me down...<br /><br />Thanks for your help.