I'm buying my first boat. I am trying to decide between a 1993 and a 2000 Grady White Gulfstream. The 1993 has 600 hours on the engine. Should it last another 3-4 years? It's a 1993 yamaha 250 used about 60 hrs/yr. The 2000 is twice the price.
It is not a lot of hours for a 9 year old boat, thats 5-6 hours a month! BUT....an engine with 60 hours that has not been taken care of could be worse than an engine with 600 that was properly maintained. Get a compression test done, and have it looked over, and even run it around with a mechanic on board. If all tests are good, and it is a clean boat... save the $$$.
One other thing... if you are planning to sell in few years..go with the older Grady. Grady boats lose the majority percentage of their value in the first 2 years, then the stablize and hold their value for a long time. Just good business. If you are making a long term investment and dont want to be caught up in selling and buying in just 3-4 years...get the 2000. Just my opinion because i have lost plenty buying and selling newer boats.
Howdy First Boat. Purse Snatcher gives you good advice.<br /><br />The average 2 stroke, with good care, will last 1500 hours before needing rebuild.<br /><br />Gradys are good boats. Like Boston Whalers they depreciate for a few years then stabilize into condition dependent value. Take good care of that '93 and it will be worth as much in 10 years as it is today.<br /><br />Go for the '93. It's a no brainer.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB
THANKS! I've been trying to decide which boat for weeks! I was worried about the motor dying on me in a year or so. I'll have it fully checked out by a mechanic and give it a sea trial. As long as there's the possibility of getting 3-4 more years out of the engine, it's worth a shot!.