"Invalid File" and small photos when uploading


Apr 30, 2006

I just recently started posting on the "Other" outboard forum and was able to upload a number of photos without a problem.
In my last post I tried to upload five photos as I had done in a previous post, but they ended up extremely small and occasionally I would get an "Invalid File " message. I had resized them before posting with IrfanView and loaded them in a folder on my computer until I was ready to upload. I tried resizing again from the original images and then I started to get Invalid File with every attempt. I also ended up in a screen that had different sizes for attachments to be picked such as thumbnail etc. I got a "You are not authorized" message when trying to change the size. I finally gave up and came back today and tried again in a new post starting with the original camera images again. The first one posted fine then I was attacked by the message gremlins again.
I have reviewed the info on posting photos and see a number of methods to post, but some seem to be more complex than I need. I just want to get back to whatever worked in my first posts, and then over time incorporate some of the bells and whistles.
I'm sure this is an operator problem, but I just can't seem to see what I am doing wrong.
Thanks for any help you can give.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
First thing - The unauthorized message - You have to click "Remember me" or you get logged out if you are inactive for a fairly short period of time. Most likely shorter than it takes to line up you pics for posting.

Second - When posting pics, Don't use this batt.PNG, use this adv.PNGfollowed by this img.PNG to upload.

Also even easier when posting pics, the easiest, simplest way is to open a photo hosting site account like Photobucket. To post a pic from Photobucket, click on the pic in the album, then click the IMG box to the lower right of the pic. the box will change color and flash "copied" and then come back to iboats and do a paste in your message. The pic won't show right off the bat, do a preview to see it. You get a nice large pic and no fooling about with re-sizing or any other stuff and don't have to use the icons above.
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Apr 30, 2006
Thanks for the advice GA Boater. I did set up a Photobucket account and loaded my pics in there, but things didn't go too well. I was able to copy the first pic via the IMG button and I tried to edit my last post and was able to load the pic into it OK, and it was full size. Then I tried to do a second one. I copied it, but couldn't get it to post. I think part of my problem is that i am trying to edit and existing post. I need to start with a fresh post and try the Photobucket process again.
Also, I am still getting unauthorized warnings. I am set up so that when I pick Iboat from my favorites it takes me right to the Outboard forum and automatically signs me in. At least I think that's what happens. As soon as I am on Iboat my screen name is in the upper right corner and it stays there through all my posting and pic uploading. There is no window for "Remember Me", just one to log out.
The only question I have at this point is if there is a way to make the pics I am transfering from Photobucket to my posts a little smaller?
Thanks again for the advice on Photobucket. I think I will be OK on a fresh post.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Ok - Using favorites and signing in automatically doesn't set the "remember me" flag. That's why you are getting the not authorized message.

Do a little test for me - Log out and then click the sign in/register box. Remember me is in the lower left corner and the only way to set it is by logging on through the log in box. For some reason I've had to log in more often the first time of the day. I used to go months without logging in, similar to using favorites the way your are, except remember me worked across sessions.

Keep the larger pics, us old geezers need all the help we can get. :joyous:
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