Interpretation of Regulator/Rectifier Readings


Aug 12, 2014
Hello everyone,
In trying to track down a no-start problem (and occasional battery drain issue) on my Honda BF50 outboard with power tilt, I took some readings of the regulator/rectifier leads that I kindly ask your assistance with.
On this motor, there is a battery connection and regulator/rectifier connection (white wire) on one post of the starter magnetic switch. There is also a 15A fuse between the regulator/rectifier and the battery connection at that switch. Without the fuse installed, voltage at the battery post was around 12VDC as expected. With the fuse installed, voltage dropped to less than 1.0VDC which I assumed to point to a possible faulty regulator/rectifier. I then took some readings of the regulator/rectifier wires with my multi-meter on the “diode” setting. The readings were:

With multi-meter leads on rectifier negative (ground), black wire:
Black lead:
Gray wire #1: No reading
Gray wire #2: No reading
Gray wire #3: No reading
W/Bl wire: 1.967
Red lead:
Gray wire #1: 0.509
Gray wire #2: 0.483
Gray wire #3: 0.483
W/Bl wire: 1.481

With multi-meter leads on rectifier positive (battery), white wire:
Black lead:
Gray wire #1: 1.143
Gray wire #2: 1.147
Gray wire #3: 1.147
W/Bl wire: 0.002 (with beep from the multi-meter)
Red lead:
Gray wire #1: No reading
Gray wire #2: No reading
Gray wire #3: No reading
W/Bl wire: 0.002 (with beep from the multi-meter)

The questions I have are:
  1. The W/Bl wire goes back to the combination switch and I’m not sure if these readings are supposed to be similar to those of the gray wires or if the big differences on this wire are normal.
  2. The one reading of 0.509 on the gray wire is a bit different than the 0.483 reading of the other wires. I think that they were all supposed to be pretty closely the same. Does this indicate a fault?
  3. I read somewhere that the readings from rectifier positive were supposed to be lower than rectifier negative, but that’s not the case with this unit. Is that correct with this regulator/rectifier?
Thanks for your help,


Apr 20, 2008
You have a bad connection. If you lowered the 12v to 1v, the amperage (in a good connection) would be good to weld.