o.k i thought it was the carbs but now i think i should check the points because i,m getting intermittent spark on all 3 cylinders.is ther any other thing i can check first?
Yes, you can post this on your original thread. Some of us with bad memories have no idea what engine you are talking about, what has been suggested thus far and what you have tried.
but this motor is a 1970 60 hp johnson electric shift and my problem is when i start it it idles high and then when i put it in gear it idles down to the point that it will stall uneless i give it full throttle. now last year i rebuild the carbs and it still had the same problem but it was useable.this year i clean out the carb and no diff in the running of the motor so when it was running i pulled#2 plug wire off and it also died then #3 the same thing but #1 a little diff not much.
so a compression showed that all cylinders are at 125 psi at about 5 cranks. then i had another carb to replace #1 cylinder to see if that is the problem and it ran the same. so i made a spark tester that shows all cylinders at once and it showed that the spark is not steady, like there a miss to the spark on all cylinders.
so i thinking of checking the points then the power pak.