intake tube broken

Apr 19, 2013
I know I'm going to need to fix this but how bad of a problem could this make? I ran the boat all day monday and noticed this when I got back. It looks like one side of the air intakes tubes is coming off.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 1, 2012
Re: intake tube broken

No big deal at all. You didn't wreck anything by using the boat with it broke like that. It's more a safety issue....those vents keep the engine bay clear of gas fumes when using the blower.
Apr 19, 2013
Re: intake tube broken

No big deal at all. You didn't wreck anything by using the boat with it broke like that. It's more a safety issue....those vents keep the engine bay clear of gas fumes when using the blower.

speaking of that.... I only took the boat out once, and never used the blower. (I know stupid mistake) but honestly I wasn't sure of what it was for until yesterday when I pushed the switch, thankfully my boat didn't blow up. probably because I gased up the night before and checked the fluids before launching.

That being said I want to make sure my blower is working, the light turns on and I hear a slight hum of the motor but I don't know where the air is being expelled to check to see if it is working?


Vice Admiral
Feb 10, 2012
Re: intake tube broken

Should be expelled out of a vent cover connected to a hose that looks just like that one. You should be able to hold your hand over it and feel air being pushed out. If that blower vent tube is cracked also, you might just be blowing air back into the bilge, which obviously wouldn't help expel gas fumes. You should be able to see a plastic tube-shaped device inline with one of the vent tubes, often attached to the rear of the boat on the transom.

I always sniff the exhausted air for gas fumes before I try starting the boat. I sniff in the engine compartment itself.


Chief Petty Officer
May 22, 2012
Re: intake tube broken

It seems to me that you should not be able to run the motor without the blower running.