Installing a new tilt shaft seal?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
I'm helping a friend (by email) with a 1971 stringer. His tilt motor worm gear shaft broke it's single pin. (I guess later stringers had two pins) All else is good. While it is all apart, he will replace the tilt gear seal. I obtained the seal and gasket set for him and the new seal is double lipped. In another post, Howard Sterndrive posted a link to a post on another site. In that post the guy said he ruined a new seal trying to knock it in with a socket. This brings up two questions:

one is that the new seal has a rubber surface on one side and the steel seal case edge on the other. Which side is in and which side is out? I was told that the rubber edged side goes out. I was also told to fully seat the seal, then install the shaft, then install the coverplate, with no gasket and this would push the seal back out far enough to leave the required clearance once you installed the coverplate with its gasket.

It seems to me that this is why you want the metal side of the seal facing inward. With the rubber lip on the other side, it would be liable to compress and not move the seal back out.

Secondly, I do not see why you cannot use an appropriate sized socket to seat the seal. You certainly want to knock it in straight but this is an acceptable method for many a similar seal. It also seems to me that that was the way I did it a half a dozen years ago.

What say ya'll?
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