injectors for my 115 hp 2004 Yamaha engine


Oct 8, 2007
I got a Yamaha F115TLRD engine I need four new injectors. I replaced one a few years ago but now I would like to just buy four new ones now. Any suggestions on where to buy ? The OEM ones look like they would close to a grand if I went that way.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
How many hours on the motor ?-----What trouble shooting has been done if any.----Running with an on board tank ?-----Boat kept in a wet slip ?----Using a water separating filter ?----Seems odd to need new fuel injectors.


Oct 8, 2007
How many hours on the motor ?-----What trouble shooting has been done if any.----Running with an on board tank ?-----Boat kept in a wet slip ?----Using a water separating filter ?----Seems odd to need new fuel injectors.
1200 hours
Removed the VST and cleaned last summer and this summer. Ran good for one day or two and back doing the same. Idle is bad and can't seem to get it wide open. Tach don't work but I can tell its not getting full rpm.
Boat stored in my shop during winter and at my lake home in summer.

50 gallon tank built in pontoon boat.

Not using a water separator but was thinking of adding one. I checked tank and it don't have water in it. I got this stuff in a tube you check tanks for water . You put a little bit on a long rod and if it turns color there is water in it. I used it years ago when I had underground tanks at my shop. It works.

Injectors were sent off to test and cleaning this summer. Ran prefect for one day and back doing it again. One injector went out about 5 years ago and I installed a used one. Fixed the skip . Its not skipping now just running bad. I have not checked fuel pressure but I can.

I don't have the software to scan for codes but I could buy it and connect it to my laptop to see what is going on if I knew where to buy it ?

I have not yet check the ohms on each injector but I will.
I know my old 1990 nissan hardbody was running just like this outboard and I replaced the injectors and now it idles perfect and gas mileage is great. One of the injectors on the truck was way out of range so I just replaced all four. It actually idles and runs as good as when I bought it now 31 years ago.

The idle on it was just about like this yamaha . I removed the ECM from under the seat and got the codes on the truck though. Showed injector circuit.

The yamaha has OB1 like my nissan but I have no way to read codes like on the nissan truck.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
sounds like cleaning the VST helped for a day and cleaning the injectors helped for a day.
was that the same time or different times?
measure the rail pressure and watch as you increase RPM until you notice the problem
sounds like something in the fuel is plugging things up


Oct 8, 2007
I cleaned the VST and had the injectors checked at the same time. A local marine tech sent them off for me but where I don't have a clue.
I can't really tell without putting this pontoon in the water and right now the lake is too low to do that.
There was no trash in the VST that last time I checked it but the first time it was plugged up.
I agree with you about someone in the fuel system plugged up but I just can't seem to find what.
It is a Harris FloteBote and has a 50 gallon gas tank in it. Sometimes this thing decides it wants to run good but it don't last long. I thought about getting the tach back to working this winter so I can tell exactly how many rpm's its running both when running bad and good.
If you were going to replace these injectors where would you recommend I buy them ?
Like I mentioned a few years ago this thing starting skipping. I pulled the wires off each injector and the top one was bad. Lucky for me because I was able to replace it without taking it out of the lake. I found a used one back then and put it in.
This has been an ongoing problem for a few years and I would like to find the issue.
I will round up a fuel pressure gauge and see what it shows when I put it back in. I just thought maybe I could find the problem while in my shop. I got muffs


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
as I said since cleaning vst and injectors helped fora little while they one of them had to be the problem.
I have a feeling the injector screens are smaller than anything else, so I am guessing that was the problem.
the gas tank, fuel, and all of the fuel lines could be a problem.
may need to drain and clean the tank and replace the lines


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
There was no trash in the VST that last time I checked it but the first time it was plugged up.
Need to clean entire fuel system on engine and send injectors off to a outboard company like Brucato. There is trash floating in system stopping up the inlet screens to injectors.


Oct 8, 2007
Need to clean entire fuel system on engine and send injectors off to a outboard company like Brucato. There is trash floating in system stopping up the inlet screens to injectors.
Thanks, what if the injectors don't Ohm correct ? do these people that rebuild them check that part?
What should the Ohms be on these ?
I do agree that this pontoon has fuel issues and I will see if I can find where the problem might be this winter.


Oct 8, 2007
as I said since cleaning vst and injectors helped fora little while they one of them had to be the problem.
I have a feeling the injector screens are smaller than anything else, so I am guessing that was the problem.
the gas tank, fuel, and all of the fuel lines could be a problem.
may need to drain and clean the tank and replace the lines
I can't find a drain. This is a 50 gallon tank and its in a tight place. I will see what I can do though. Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Work on engine fuel system cleaning can add a seperator/filter on boat side


Oct 8, 2007
The weather is better in my shop. I have the injectors out and ready for cleaning. I need a seal kit for them. One is cut where it goes into head. Anyone know where I might find a seal kit ?
Also all the injectors ohm the same and are good as far as that goes.

I am also in the process of draining the tank and see if I can clean it. Thanks for the help.


Oct 8, 2007
How many hours on the motor ?-----What trouble shooting has been done if any.----Running with an on board tank ?-----Boat kept in a wet slip ?----Using a ?----Seems odd to need new fuel injectors.
1400 hours. I have drained the tank and cleaned it up like new. No trash now.

Now about the water separating filter. There is not one on the engine and not sure where to put one ? Suggestions appreciated. Where would I find one for this 2005 Yamaha engine. F115TLRD ?

The fuel lines looks good and never any ethanol gas ran in this boat.

Boat is kept in my shop during the winter, about 6 months. Tank is 50 gallons and looks like new now.

Fuel injectors have been sent off to the place that was suggested here. Brucato. Should get them back the first of April .

I will have to buy a fuel pump tester as I don't own one but I still work on things on occasion so I can justify buying one. Any suggestion where I can find one that won't break the bank ?


Oct 8, 2007
Boat is back in the water and running better than ever before. I got injectors back from Brucato and I was impressed with their work. Replaced all fuel lines with bulb. Installed water separator filter along with the other two. Tank is clean. Cleaned VST. Thanks for all who helped and especially telling me about Brucato . Engine idles and opens up like never before. Again THANKS for the help here.