Hi I'm looking for some information if anyone can help me on here.
I have recently purchased an old-ish Chrysler outboard. It has 15 on the cowling, but on the name plate only claims 9.9. The model number didn't match any that I found on iboats' outboard parts store pages, either. It's model 92F4A, serial 1001. Manual start.
Does anyone know the year of this motor? Also, does anyone have any idea on whether this is a de-tuned 15hp, rated at 9.9?
I haven't torn into it yet, but it looks in remarkably good shape. It doesn't start, but I suspect a tune-up/points/carb cleaning will overcome that problem.
I haven't checked compression with a tester, just in pulling over it felt pretty good.
Anyway, for $70 I haven't risked too much, I hope
Thanks for any info/help anyone can throw my way.
I have recently purchased an old-ish Chrysler outboard. It has 15 on the cowling, but on the name plate only claims 9.9. The model number didn't match any that I found on iboats' outboard parts store pages, either. It's model 92F4A, serial 1001. Manual start.
Does anyone know the year of this motor? Also, does anyone have any idea on whether this is a de-tuned 15hp, rated at 9.9?
I haven't torn into it yet, but it looks in remarkably good shape. It doesn't start, but I suspect a tune-up/points/carb cleaning will overcome that problem.
I haven't checked compression with a tester, just in pulling over it felt pretty good.
Anyway, for $70 I haven't risked too much, I hope
Thanks for any info/help anyone can throw my way.