The manual inflatables cost a few dollars less than the automatic/manual models. Mustang was one of the the first to be introduced and I don't know if they are priced more on their name and reputation. I have looked at the Onyx in stores and can't visually see much difference from my Mustang. I still use my issue Mustang I got 15 years before I retired and it has held up well. A little dirty from sweat and grime but I manually blow it up at least once a year and so far no leaks. I wear it all the time when on my bassboat as I usually fish by myself and 5 or 10 times a year with my 11 year old grandaughter. I am so accustomed to it that I have been known to load the boat and drive home with it still on. All the straps, buckles, etc have held up well. The only thing is that most of the lettering on the USCG approval tag is now worn to make it almost nonlegible. I think some of that may be due to training exercises and demonstration when I have worn it in chrolinated swimming pools.