So I picked up a nice used 1999 Quicksilver 270 SIB (with inflatable floor - no hard bottom) and a Mercury 9.9 off of Craig's List last week. The owner had it blown up and everything was holding just fine. I brought it home and it sat in the driveway in the sun on Friday and I believe due to heat self-over-inflated itself. At least one chamber did, the air-floor. I found the hole. A seam seemed to come apart. It was on a horrible spot, but I think I was able to successfully patch it on Saturday. But since this was a new to me purchase, it didn't stop me from taking it out all weekend. My question is two part: 1) will having a severely under inflated floor cause poor performance? Does this part even affect planning or performance? The inflatable keel was fine and the rest of the chambers were all filled well. 2) I had really wanted a RIB, but couldn't pass up this deal, is there any difference in the plywood floor boat over what I have, at least with regards to performance and planning? As I was thinking if I can't get this sealed up I wouldn't mind putting plywood floors in and calling it a day. Any thoughts?
BTW... I was able to GPS 15mph (on plane) with 2 adults and one kid ~400lbs aboard.
BTW... I was able to GPS 15mph (on plane) with 2 adults and one kid ~400lbs aboard.