So I changed the three wire alternator on my 2000 mobius with the 5.7 Indmar, original alternator was dead. %100 sure boost the boat and would start and no voltage at the battery. So wired it up the same as the old one, purple to excite, black to ground and orange to positive. turn the key and it immediately pops the ignition fuse at the dash.
disconnected the main engine plug and powered the engine up with jumpers from a battery with 20 amp fuses in line and they pop immediately.
I disconnect the purple excite wire from the alternator and the engine fires up and runs, no blown fuses, however won't shut off.
I'm going to assume new the alternator is also bad?? but why won't the engine shut off with the purple disconnected? Has the alternator created another issue or has an existing issue damaged the new alternator???
Keeping in mind the boat ran fine other than not charging before changing the alternator.
disconnected the main engine plug and powered the engine up with jumpers from a battery with 20 amp fuses in line and they pop immediately.
I disconnect the purple excite wire from the alternator and the engine fires up and runs, no blown fuses, however won't shut off.
I'm going to assume new the alternator is also bad?? but why won't the engine shut off with the purple disconnected? Has the alternator created another issue or has an existing issue damaged the new alternator???
Keeping in mind the boat ran fine other than not charging before changing the alternator.