Re: increase horsepower and speed
Normally I'd say save yourself the trouble.. outboards are not as easy to "hot up" as other motors..<br /><br />Things you could do that might help.<br /><br />1. Is it proped correctly??? what rpm is it doing at 30mph???<br />2. Maybe boyesen reeds might give you a bit more punch..<br />3. If you are really keen, take your block and heads to a machine shop experianced in porting 2 strokes.. if they are good at what they do, you can get a boost..<br />They could also shave alittle off the heads for more compression, and mess with the jets to utilize it...<br /><br />All of that is gonna be pretty expensive though..<br /><br />number one thing you can do is make sure its propped correctly..<br /><br />If it is propped correctly, then I can't see even all that work getting you the extra 15 mph.<br /><br />Just make sure, that when you are at WOT, that the engine is doing its max rpm's, if it isn't, you are not propped correctly.. <br /><br />Go see a friendly dealer and try some different props with his advice, you might be surprised at the result....<br /><br />rgds<br /><br />Frank