In storage for 16 years...

Grant T

Feb 8, 2002
I have a 1986 Evin 25 that was never opened until now (still in the packing crate). The plugs look brand new. Via email, a dealer told me that the fuel lines won't take today's fuel, and that the engines were always run at the factory so I should have them take apart and clean the carb because of gumming - I think I'll change the fuel lines and run it before deciding the carb needs cleaning. Again, the plugs look untouched. Please give me your advise.<br />Thanks

Kenny Bush

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2002
Re: In storage for 16 years...

grant, you better clean those carbs too. I would hate to see you ruin an engine during breakin. One clogged jet could lean out the carb and bammmmmmm, melting pistons. I would clean the carbs and use the current gas lines.

Grant T

Feb 8, 2002
Re: In storage for 16 years...

Thanks for the quick response. I'm fairly handy, but not a mechanic - how would you rate the job of cleaning the carbs? I have the SELOC book, which isn't too bad, and would buy a rebuild kit. I've done other carbs (auto) in the distant past.

Kenny Bush

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2002
Re: In storage for 16 years...

Yeah I think you can tackle a John*rude carb. I think you might get away with reusing the gaskets due to the fact that not much fuel has been through it and the motor has not heated up enough to stick/bond/weld the gaskets to the aluminum. Heck I would get a can of chemtool, put the spraytube on it and start blowing out holes(do not spray chemtool on the soft rubber or neoprene, it will disstort/dissolve it). If the gaskets start delaminating or tearing apart, only then would I get a gasket kit. Good luck.......

Kenny Bush

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2002
Re: In storage for 16 years...

Oh yeah!!!! The gas lines should be fine for a while. I think their point being that the new formulated gas of recent years eats at that rubber a little harder, but I would bet many years will go by without a problem.