Impeller/Waterpump problems


Apr 13, 2007
I just took my bass boat out for the first time yesterday. It ran well, but it seemed to me that the boat wasn't "peeing" properly. It seemed to be a much weaker stream than the other motors I saw. It was only a solid stream for the first 1/4 of the way to the water and then it looked more like drops of water and spray. That is the case even when idling. Sometime it seemed to almost run down the side of the motor as apposed to streaming out from it. I've been told by a friend that since motors don't have prostates a new impeller might be needed.

Will using my motor like this damage it?

The motor is a 1976 (so I'm told) Mercury 850 (85hp) outboard serial #451193 (I know, it is one digit short but that is what is inside the motor cover and on the metal plate where the motor is mounted). Being a first time boat owner, should I even attempt this replacement on my own? I ordered a Clymer manual from ****'s sporting goods to assist me.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Jun 19, 2005
Re: Impeller/Waterpump problems

You are correct it is a 1976. You should change the impeller every two years. If you don't know when the last time it was changed or the motor has been run without being in the water it is a good time to change it.