Impeller replacement procedure on 98 evinrude 2 stroke 30 hp


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 24, 2009
Hello all,

I just replaced my impeller on this motor. Model number E30ELECS. Everything went well until I went to start using it. Somehow the shift linkage got goofy on me. Now when I go up by the steering wheel and go to the lever and put it into neutral my motor is actually in forward. When I kick it into forward on my boat my motor is actually in neutral. I was wondering if I need to have the shifter in the boat in a certain position when I go to re-install the lower unit. I was assuming neutral. It might have accidentally been in forward when reinstalling the lower unit. I was just curious as to what the procedure was to reinstalling the lower unit and making sure all the shift mechanisms work properly.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Make sure that the LOWER shift rod is turned tight into the lower unit on assembly.-------------Have someone turn the propshaft when shifting the control box.---------It does not matter where the shifter is on re-assembly.