ignition systems - omc conversion


May 16, 2003
anyone out there know of a conversion system to change from the old spark control module on omc's? the module lowers the idle speed of the engine while you shift into and out of forward and reverse. anything new and improved?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 25, 2003
Re: ignition systems - omc conversion

There is no improved ESA(Electronic Shift Assist) that I know of. The ESA is a perfectly good system, and is commonly blamed for eating gears, but in truth it is a flaw in the transom shift cable that causes shifts to be too slow and too stiff. Replacing this cable with the red OMC shift cable solves this. Also, incorrect shift adjustment can cause the ESA to not activate correctly. There is one conversion I know of to delete the ESA, but it still requires the correct shift adjustment and cable: Using the blue leads of the interruptor switch to ground the ignition coil. This is used only when an owner doesn't want the cost of replacing a broken ESA. It isn't as good because it WILL stall your engine if it is engaged too long, thus needing your shift adjustments to be exact for this to not happen. If your ESA and shift adjustments are working correctly, I'd leave it alone.