Ignition questions. 1984 90hp L-6


Aug 24, 2010
I replaced the stator in my 90hp merc with a CDI unit. The charging coils were shorting to ground. replaced the rectifier with a CDI unit also.

Anyway I was going through the link and sync procedure and lost spark on #1.

I checked out the stator and trigger and it appeared to ohm out good and the trigger and stator had a fairly even reading with my Fluke 88 on peak AC reading on the graph. Checked the bias circuit and it is right at 14k on both packs. Went right through the ignition checks from CDI and the Seloc manaul.

Spark came back on #1 but lost #6. During this time I did hook up a battery charger thinking it may be a little slow cranking and I tried changing the stator a hole but it didn't make any difference.

I also switched the one swichbox back to the original(it had lost one cylinder cranking). #1 came back strong and then lost #2 and still no #6. @#$#%#^#&!!

I reset the stator to where I thought it should be and fired it up in the tank and it runs great no misses. Completed the link and sync and it runs great in the tank. Too windy to go to the lake(went Thurs. and caught a bunch of fish and motor ran great).

Put the other switchbox back on the 150 I stole it off from and fired it up and it runs great too. It was missing 1 cylinder cranking and one other was intermittant.

So what is the deal, Do these things decide to spark when they want to or is this a sign that the switchboxes are weak?

I take it that some of the SCR's are not firing because they are either not getting enough voltage from the trigger or their bias circuits are a little off? Does stray voltage from cranking mess with them in some way? I take it the stator supplies high voltage, white wire is to connect the bias circuits to link the boxes, trigger supplies low voltage timed trigger pulses. SCR's fire and supply the juice from the stator to the coils. The SCR's are not firing on these boxes all the time when cranking but seem to work fine running, I hooked a timing light on each cylinder and all 6 fire all the time and are stable timing wise at idle.

I did order a couple new CDI switchboxes last Tuesday but I have no idea when I will get them. I also have to order a DVA adapter or make one. The fluke did give me an idea of what was going on though.

Who makes the fancy 6 cylinder spark checker?