ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 22, 2009
I cannot get my Johny to fire at all. The key was lost and the ignition switch disconnected. I see that connecting the green to white causes the starter to operate. But what do I connect to get the "coil" to fire?

All the following wires are at the ignition switch end of the wiring harness:

Tan is the temp switch.

When I touch black to green, it sparks, so black must be ground and green positive to starter.

Brown goes to ammeter, so do I connect brown to green to close that circuit while skipping the ammeter? Brown also terminates in the rectifier.

Red goes to a LOT of things, so do I connect red to green to get the coil to spark? (Coil is actually a pulse pack assembly, volt regulator, etc.)


Feb 26, 2005
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

I'm not sure on that model, but I am quite sure about something else. If you keep connecting wires at random, you'll certainly succeed in ruining your ignition system, to the tune of large bucks to repair it.

You may already have done so. Get a manual that has a wiring diagram in it and don't fool around with experiments. It's not a car. Its ignition system is nothing like a car's ignition system.

You can destroy expensive parts by sending 12 volts to them.

Just a word to the wise...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 22, 2009
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

OK. Could be a bit late for that now.

Still need to know how wires connect to get a working system. If I get the "coil" to send spark, I will let you know.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

That engine will run with no battery at all, except to run the starter. The ignition system is self-contained, and is powered by the stator. That is, as long as all the ignition parts are functional. The battery is not required.

However, I suspect that you may have damaged some part of the system with your touching of wires together.

The wiring diagram will be in any service manual for that engine. You can order one right here on iboats. In the meantime, your local library may well have a service manual you can examine, either a factory manual or an aftermarket manual. Some libraries also have access to online service information.

Until you have a diagram for the ignition wiring, you're best off not messing with it. It could get expensive.


Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2008
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

I can't really add anything except to say that for 1968 they added the Power / Pulse CD ignition and switched to the the surface gap plugs on the 85 & 65 V4s (it was rolled out the year before on the 100).


Vice Admiral
Oct 21, 2008
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

Yea, I had an 80hp V-4, one year prior, but it was a totally different system. I would get the service manual first and make sure everything is wired right, before you lose hope. You'll find good information on that motor too, besides the wiring info.;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 4, 2008
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

That engine will run with no battery at all, except to run the starter. The ignition system is self-contained, and is powered by the stator. That is, as long as all the ignition parts are functional. The battery is not required.

However, I suspect that you may have damaged some part of the system with your touching of wires together.

The wiring diagram will be in any service manual for that engine. You can order one right here on iboats. In the meantime, your local library may well have a service manual you can examine, either a factory manual or an aftermarket manual. Some libraries also have access to online service information.

Until you have a diagram for the ignition wiring, you're best off not messing with it. It could get expensive.

Sorry but that ign is a battery CD not a Mag cd. Needs good battery and a good crystal ball to trouble shoot.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

Here ya go.. That pack is now $325!!!


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Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: ignition for 1968 Johny 85 hp

1. Green is the battery "hot" wire and goes to the Bat side of the ammeter.
2. Brown is the alternator output and goes to the "gen" side of the ammeter. A brown jumper wire with an inline 20A fuse also connects the "gen" side of the ammeter to the "bat" terminal on the key switch.
3. All the red wires go to the "ign" terminal on the key switch. One of those red wires feeds the amplifier (it is not a "pulse pack")
4. White is start wire and goes to the "S" terminal on the key switch.
5. Black is "on" light ground and tachometer ground
6. Grey is tachometer signal (special CD tach)
7. Tan is temp light signal
8. Red & white stripe is choke wire. One of the red wires is the choke switch feed.

Don't even THINK about trying to run it without a battery. Don't even THINK about disconnecting the battery while it is running. Likewise, the battery connections and cables MUST be shiny clean and tight. Failure to heed may destroy a very expensive amplifier.

What you have is called a Battery CD System with Motorola Amplifier. It is NOT self powered and needs a well charged battery to power it.