I'm real sure. It is a violation for ANYONE to alter the emissions of any product that has a use approval based on an emission level. Now, does anyone really care? No, they don't. Are the Feds going to show up at your house at 3 AM, bust in your door and hall you away? No, they aren't. But, should you touch it. No, you shouldn't. Forget the legal reason. The real reason you shouldn't touch it is that you will probably not get it back to the correct setting. IE You will probably set it too rich or to lean. I have no faith in individuals, little faith in back yard mechanics, modest confidence in certified technicians and I believe that master technicians are rank amateurs with arm patches, etc.
There really is no reason to get in there. Drop the carb in an ultrasonic cleaner. If that doesn't get it clean just buy a new one like Tohatsu wants you to.