Hello, I am interested in purchasing this johnson outboard from ebay for parts so i can rebuild an 1985 johnson. I am having a problem in identifiying the year of the motor. Here is a picture of the motor. <br /><br /> Johnson motor http://cgi.ebay.com.au/OUTBOARD-MOT...ryZ26451QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting <br /><br />The seller told me that the model number was 4BR790 though i believe this is wrong, this would make the motor a 1979 though acording to BRP website all 1979 4hp motors model number start with 4R or 4W not BR. I know that i can not buy one of these 1979 motors for parts as they have different electronics. Though did Johnson make a BR model in 1979.<br />Can somone comfirm that the motor in the picture is in fact a latter johnson and not a 1979? If they can I would like to buy the motor.<br /><br />Thankyou in advance<br /><br />Tommo