Identification of wooden "sneak" boat needed


Jun 17, 2012
Never saw that style myself, but that is a nice looking boat! Study up on restoring it, and do it! It looks like it's in pretty good shape now, but it never hurts to keep it nice.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I suspect its a home built boat.

Nice looking, and seems well built.

If you can figure out what finish its sealed w, a little cleanup, add more finish, you'll be good to go.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
It had crossed my mind it might've been home made. It doesn't have any company markings, so that makes sense.

I am actually trying to get info on it so I can set a price to sell it. I haven't checked to make sure the trolling motor works/speed controls, but Ill probably check it out tomorrow.

If I put a good cleaning on it, what would be a good price in y'alls opinion?

I was thinking a good scrub and get that awful wet cardboard stuck on the side would be about as far as I would go with it. If we"re talking losing a couple $100 without restoring it, I'd be fine with that.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Probably, if it doesnt leak, has no damage and flosts.

Could be home built from a purchased plan or kit.

Ned L

Sep 17, 2008
Yep, it is definitely not 'production built'. Sort of interesting composite construction, sheet plywood bottom with strip planked sides and deck.
Given the work that I can see it needs I'd say if you can get $100 for it you would be doing well.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
Excellent info!

I did a little cleaning on it today. I see no real issues with it, and the trolling motor/speed controls all work perfectly.

I am still having issues finding anything near this for sale on the net. I would like to see what others are selling theirs for and the condition they're in. Does anyone have any advice on where I could find something like this for sale?

I ask this because I had two people stop while I was cleaning it in my front yard. One of them told me to, "name my price" and he would buy it on the spot.
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Ned L

Sep 17, 2008
I will ask,... Do I see some black staining on the inside, and here and there on the outside? ... If so, that tells me that the strip planking was edge nailed with steel nails, which are now rusting. This is problematic. Also, there is visible separating of the strip planking on the decks. Again, problematic.
If what I think I am seeing is correct I stand by my earlier comments. It needs work ....


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
I will ask,... Do I see some black staining on the inside, and here and there on the outside? ... If so, that tells me that the strip planking was edge nailed with steel nails, which are now rusting. This is problematic. Also, there is visible separating of the strip planking on the decks. Again, problematic.
If what I think I am seeing is correct I stand by my earlier comments. It needs work ....

Gosh, that sounds pretty bad. I'm sure its obvious that I don't know anything about "wooden" boats, so I have no clue what black staining means. It just looks like discoloration to me, but again I have no clue.

I'm just a guy with a baby on the way and I need room in the garage to store all these baby items. We also need the space to park my wife car in there to keep her and the baby out of the elements. Having a 131in boat in there isn't helping things. :)

I kinda feel like there seems to be a major issue that you feel is wrong with the boat all together and I shouldn't sell it. I first felt this way when you said I should be happy with $100 for it. It might just be me, but I would think the Trolling motor itself would be worth something lower, but still up that ways. The only options available to me are either sell it, or take it to the junk yard.

Most of the info I've seen on here makes me believe that the issues with it are fixable for someone who has the time and means to do so, but I myself have neither. I am happy to put a little money in my pocket and more so knowing that someone will get some use out of something that I've seen pretty much my whole life. It would make me happy for it to "live on" and not just sit and collect dust.

When you sell something, its always best to know what others are selling for. You can see what the market is for items that are in excellent working condition, and those that need some work. I am kinda stuck in a situation of not knowing anything about what I am trying to sell, so I am at an extreme disadvantage when trying to sell it. I have a washer and dryer in the garage that we bought 3 1/2 years ago. We paid $1k for them and used them less than 3 months before I inherited a brand new and larger capacity set from a deceased family member. Ive had 3 people tell me I needed to sell them for $900. Now, I know without a shadow of a doubt there's no earthly way I'd ever get that much for them. I searched through Craigslist and determined a fair price by looking at what others have available. It would be irresponsible of me to sell something without seeing what others are selling theirs for. I can't tell you how many times someone has told me they bought something for $X and come to find out they were $20+ off on the price.

If I could just be pointed in direction of where I can find other boats like this for sale, I would be in a much better position than I am now. This site helped me years ago with an older early 70's motor, and I was amazed of some of the posting on this site. Who in the world would know about timing or compression for a motor from the 20's/30's? The answer to that is here. lol

Any info on where I can find boats like this for sale would be greatly appreciated.
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Jun 17, 2012
I hope you find someone to sell it to. I'd think it would be worth more that a hundred bucks to someone that has the time to fix it up. It would also make a good display item for someone that had a man cave or bar setup in the marine theme. If I had the time I'd make an offer, but with 4 boats already and other stuff I have not the time.

Ned L

Sep 17, 2008
I don?t mean to be at all disparaging about your hunting punt. It is a cute little boat, probably built from plans that were published in ?Popular Mechanics? back in the 70?s or something similar.
I am simply telling you what I see about it. For instance, when you say ?. It just looks like discoloration to me?, that is what I am talking about regarding the nails used in the strip construction rusting.
I understand what you mean about finding ?comps? or comparables to help in pricing it. I suspect you could spend weeks searching places like Craigslist from coast to coast and not find much that is similar. You came here and found answers about a motor from the70?s, and would also be able to find information on motors from the 20?s/30?s, well that?s easy. You came here to find information about your boat because you say you don?t know wooden boats, well, I would like to think I do know something about wooden boats and am just telling you what I see about it (look up some of my posts in the building and restoration section). What you do with the information is obviously up to you.
In the end you might be better off selling the trolling motor and boat separately. The trolling motor has a real market and people are looking for them. The boat needs the right interested person to come along.


Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2001
If you do discover it has steel nails, which would make it non-serviceable, it may still have value as an ornamental boat. Restaurants & bars with nautical themes have been known to hang small boats from the ceiling, maybe a man cave decoration, etc. It's in decent cosmetic shape, so would be perfect for that sort of venue if you don't get any takers elsewhere...

Plus, you can sell the trolling motor outright. It likely won't add much value to the boat....

Ned L

Sep 17, 2008
If you do discover it has steel nails, which would make it non-serviceable, it may still have value as an ornamental boat. Restaurants & bars with nautical themes have been known to hang small boats from the ceiling, maybe a man cave decoration, etc. It's in decent cosmetic shape, so would be perfect for that sort of venue if you don't get any takers elsewhere...

Plus, you can sell the trolling motor outright. It likely won't add much value to the boat....
