I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Oct 5, 2012
no small-craft advisories were in effect, no fog banks are reported to be rolling in, summer weather and daylight hours only, proper sea anchor and line on board and after having had a full marine survey inspection on the boat and a boating safety course as from the Power Squadrons or USCG Axillary.


I have been smashed against rocks by a big wave while monkeying around in the Marin Headlands, Rodeo Cove, and have been pulled out while swimming in an undertow area, Rodeo Beach, and no life vest, I swam,scared to death but keeping my head, parallel to the beach and was saved by a wave that rode me in

I have had my bouts with that fearsome cold-*** Northern California Pacific Ocean over the years. I have even fished on a party boat for salmon several times out of the Potato Patch but never heaved.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2009
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

It seems as if you've foolishly put yourself in life-threatening situations several times and had others put themselves at risk to save you.

Now you're asking for advice on how to put yourself at risk again. I don't think you have the knowledge and experience needed to survive the trip. If you did, you wouldn't be asking for advice here.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

proper sea anchor and line on board

Don't know what a sea anchor is or how it works do you?

I have been smashed against rocks by a big wave monkeying around in the Marin Headlands, Rodeo Cove, and have been pulled out while swimming in an undertow area, Rodeo Beach, and no life vest, I swam,scared to death but keeping my head, parallel to the beach and was saved by a wave that rode me in

I have had my bouts with that fearsome cold-*** Northern California Pacific Ocean over the years. I have even fished on a party boat for salmon several times out of the Potat

Ok, that is swimming, and riding on a charter boat. Fact still remains. You have no boating experience of your own do you?

That trip would be foolish at best.


May 17, 2010
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

I'm really beginning to wonder if this is some 12 year old kid screwing around on the internet.
Oct 5, 2012
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Not asking advice on how to court death, but under certain circumstances, it looks doable.

No boating experience?

White water rafting in class 3 rapids: fell into a hole on the river while seated on the gunwale with no life jacket on but a backpack on instead and got bucked off as the raft hit the hole. Pulled in by two other rafters but survived. The life jacket went immediately on and the pack came off. Salmon River, Idaho...2001, summer

I owned a 14-foot Lowe w/ a 25-horse Johnson: no scary experiences on a flat-water lake there. The hardest part was loading onto a lousy-designed trailer: not an EZ Loader. I owned this boat for one year. Brand-new overpriced at $5,300 with no steering wheel even!


Jun 9, 2010
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Not asking advice on how to court death, but under certain circumstances, it looks doable.

No boating experience?

White water rafting in class 3 rapids: fell into a hole on the river while seated on the gunwale with no life jacket on but a backpack on instead and got bucked off as the raft hit the hole. Pulled in by two other rafters but survived. The life jacket went immediately on and the pack came off. Salmon River, Idaho...2001, summer

I owned a 14-foot Lowe w/ a 25-horse Johnson: no scary experiences on a flat-water lake there. The hardest part was loading onto a lousy-designed trailer: not an EZ Loader. I owned this boat for one year. Brand-new overpriced at $5,300 with no steering wheel even!

:D See,he is experienced..LOL


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2009
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

No boating experience?

White water rafting in class 3 rapids: fell into a hole on the river while seated on the gunwale with no life jacket on but a backpack on instead and got bucked off as the raft hit the hole. Pulled in by two other rafters but survived. The life jacket went immediately on and the pack came off. Salmon River, Idaho...2001, summer

Another instance of poor judgment followed by someone else saving you. You're not building confidence here.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Common sense 'aint so very common. Close the stable door after the horse runs out----put on the PFD after falling overboard. Bet he doesn't wear a seatbelt while driving either. He'll put it on after the accident that ejects him from the vehicle. Then he'll have another "war story" to tell if he survives.

Stupid is Nature's way of getting rid of the chaff
Oct 5, 2012
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

I am now 48 and have come to respect Mother Nature and water.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Well, I'll say this for you. You have thick skin. Have to say though, I'm having a little trouble believing the no PFD on the Salmon story.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

I'm having a little trouble believing the no PFD on the Salmon story.
Me too. In California ALL Salmon are required to wear PFDs regardless of their experience.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Me too. In California ALL Salmon are required to wear PFDs regardless of their experience.

Well, that's what you get for living in the PRC. We don't have no salmons around here, but if'n we did, they could swim around without PFDs to their hearts' content.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2008
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Well, that's what you get for living in the PRC. We don't have no salmons around here, but if'n we did, they could swim around without PFDs to their hearts' content.

Hold on Incoop. You may want to re-think that and adopt a similar law. They're much easier to catch when wearing PFD's.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Hold on Incoop. You may want to re-think that and adopt a similar law. They're much easier to catch when wearing PFD's.

Hmmmmmm. I saw a guy catch a fish once that had an internal PFD. Red Snapper as I recall. It was on a party boat out of Destin. He threw the poor critter back without puncturing its air bladder and it floated around on the surface until a dolphin ate it, but I digress. That's why we don't have a such a law these days. Whaddya think happened to all the salmon?:p
Oct 5, 2012
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

While rafting on the Salmon RIVER, in Idaho, in the late summer of 2001, just one week before 9/11, I was not wearing my life jacket like an idiot. What is all this talk about a fish in a PFD!


May 21, 2011
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

While rafting on the Salmon RIVER, in Idaho, in the late summer of 2001, just one week before 9/11, I was not wearing my life jacket like an idiot. What is all this talk about a fish in a PFD!

They are just gauging your skin thickness. And being funny..:D
Oct 5, 2012
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

ok, some nautical humor just for the "halibut"
Sep 17, 2012
Re: I would brave this marked course in a 21- footer provided...

Isn't it scary sometime? I think this could ad to bad situation.