I want Apps too!!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
OK, so here's the deal. My Mom is sort of a techno geek. She's not an exceptionally technical user, but she's 72 now and still buys the newest and greatest stuff. Well she got all of the kids (my 3, and my brother's 2) iPad 2s for xMas. Cool Nana huh? :D

Anyway, now the honkin' (there's one for you JB) kids all have apps and stuff that I want, but can't get on a PC. Same with the wife. I bought her a little notebook, $228 at WallyWorld, perfect for her, and it's actually dang cool, buttttt . . . she wants the same Apps she has on her Droid phone. Mainly she wants Words with Friends, and yes, I know she can play it via Facebook, but there's some BS associated with that, so hence my question: How do you get this stuff on Windows PCs? And why isn't it easy?

The kids are now watching our premium cable TV stuff, movies etc. via an App, and the guy who pays for this service can't do it :mad:

Is this safe: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20118500-93/android-apps-can-now-run-on-your-pc-via-bluestacks/

Are there other methods? Old guy App store that I can't find? Help!!


Jul 9, 2010
Re: I want Apps too!!!

The software Cnet reviewed looks promising. Although with it currently being in an alpha testing stage, It may be buggy. I would probably wait till that company releases the full version. Might have to pay something for it, but should hopefully be relatively bug free.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: I want Apps too!!!

I don't know how "safe" any of them are right now. The development seems to young to me. If you can be careful installing, it's worth a try.

Another option out there (and again, I don't know how well any of them work) is to run a Droid OS on a virtual machine. Google "virtual Droid OS" and you'll find several different options.