I have got the point that my confidence in Doctors is nill


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
My Father has been in the hospital for 2 months tomorrow, Fathers day, I have asked you guys to pray if you believe for him in the past, but finally, the physical therapist said on Thursday, I think your Blood Pressure is to low! Really? I have been saying this for 2 months now!!!!! Gosh Darn doctors, he had a heart valve replacement in 2007 and every since then they have given him so many BP pills that on Thursday his BP was 81 over 49! I have been through the system and my confidence in Doctors is not very high and now I am getting damn pissed over what is going on. I lost my mother in 2002 and I am not ready to loose my father! and I especially don't want to loose him because some supposed educated dip made a mistake!

Happy Fathers Day Dad!
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The Rooster

Apr 28, 2011
Sorry to hear about this. Not a great place to spend Fathers Day. Best of luck. Will be thinking about you guys !!!


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Praying for you and your dad, MT. With docs, there is a reason they say they are practicing medicine. It is truly just something they keep trying. Trial and error is their friend, because everyone responds differently. people did not come from cookie cutters and one size doesn't fit all. I don't have an issue with the practice part, but when they ACT like gods and the world rises and sets on them and they don't listen to anything you say, then I have a problem. I had a doc like that once ... he wasn't my doc for long. Praying for wisdom as you navigate these turbulent waters.


Jul 28, 2009
My MIL went through a bad stretch a couple years a go. One doc came and in so many words told us she was not going to make it.

The 7 doctors that had been "taking care" of her had things so out of balance that they had just about killed her. The Admiral grabbed the bull by the horns and called in a patient advocate. It allowed us to get all the smart doc's in one room to discuss the care plan.

Many things changed and many meds that were counteracting others were eliminated.

Now over two years later she is still kicking and doing as well as can be. Both my mom and mil are in assisted living. We have learned that you have to be very proactive to ensure you get the care that is promised. Also question every med and treatment that a Doc suggests.

Hoping all turns out well for you and yours.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
MT, I must honestly say that I have found some very good Dr.'s over the years. And yes I've needed all of them frequently over these past 10 years. Sadly for me I just lost one of them, my cardiac surgeon. He has been inside my heart more times than I can remember. How I'm going to replace him I don't know. Next would be my cardiologist, he just turned 72 this year so who knows when he will retire. Then there is my general surgeon whom has done 3 different bypasses on my legs and has also removed my gallbladder. Lastly is my family doctor whom I've been seeing for almost 30 years. She knows more about me than either my mother or my wife! So I guess I could say that in this way I've been blessed. I trust all 4 of them with my life!

I can also relate to those doctors that have the God syndrome. I just don't deal with them. I could tell a story about one of them but it would take too long. But the long story very short was that one of those previously mentioned Dr.'s Showed up and basically told him to _ _ _ _ off.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Well I was just a bit pissed last night when I wrote the first message and I know for a fact, if not for Doctors, I would not be here writing messages, they saved my life when I was wounded in 1991, but I am just a bit mad at this group of Dr.s that my Dad has, this has been going on since Dec and they finally put him in the hospital 2 months ago and have been trying to treat him and after 2 months it takes a physical therapist to say "I think your BP is to low" Finally the Doctors say, oh yeah, maybe we should look at that? After me griping at them for 2 months they are finally checking all of his meds to see if they are interacting badly with each other! He takes 23 medicines everyday and now they are going to check to make sure they are compatible with each other? Some days I think they are using him as a experimental subject!! Like said, I know one of these days he will go, but I don't want to loose him because of a mistake!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2010
I see doctors as "technicians" - highly trained technicians in various specialties. They are taught to evaluate symptoms of health problems and to apply the techniques recommended to solve them. As with technicians in other fields, some are more effective at this work than others.

The doctor as a technician may have learned his trade well, but they can't possibly have taught him everything he will need to know to treat every patient he will see. So there comes the time when the patient is not responding to the traditional treatment and old doc may or may not have developed good instincts regarding what to do next. After all, this is a form of "problem-solving", which itself is a set of skills independent of technical training, and not everybody is good at it.

The problem with many of us (patients) is that we take technical proficiency as an indicator of good judgement and common sense. But these don't necessarily follow.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Sorry but I see the problem more of being the conglomerate hospital systems. For one they cannot do a simple evaluation w/o a complete blood panel workup. Then there are the endless referrals. But I do also agree that many Dr.'s now a days are all specialists. I only do brakes I can't do and oil change.